Linking transformational leadership to nurses’ extra‐role performance: the mediating role of self‐efficacy and work engagement M Salanova, L Lorente, MJ Chambel, IM Martínez Journal of advanced nursing 67 (10), 2256-2266, 2011 | 903 | 2011 |
Linking organizational commitment and work engagement to employee performance F Cesário, MJ Chambel Knowledge and Process Management 24 (2), 152-158, 2017 | 502 | 2017 |
Stress in academic life: work characteristics as predictors of student well‐being and performance MJ Chambel, L Curral Applied psychology 54 (1), 135-147, 2005 | 394 | 2005 |
Antecedents of academic performance of university students: Academic engagement and psychological capital resources IM Martínez, CM Youssef-Morgan, MJ Chambel, A Marques-Pinto Educational Psychology 39 (8), 1047-1067, 2019 | 292 | 2019 |
Reducing burnout in call centers through HR practices F Castanheira, MJ Chambel Human Resource Management 49 (6), 1047-1065, 2010 | 252 | 2010 |
The role of task-oriented versus relationship-oriented leadership on normative contract and group performance C Tabernero, MJ Chambel, L Curral, JM Arana Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 37 (10), 1391-1404, 2009 | 224 | 2009 |
Different temporary work status, different behaviors in organization MJ Chambel, F Castanheira Journal of Business and Psychology 20 (3), 351-367, 2006 | 172 | 2006 |
Training is an investment with return in temporary workers: a social exchange perspective MJ Chambel, F Sobral Career Development International 16 (2), 161-177, 2011 | 171 | 2011 |
Work-to-family enrichment and employees’ well-being: High performance work system and job characteristics VS Carvalho, MJ Chambel Social Indicators Research 119, 373-387, 2014 | 164 | 2014 |
Breach of psychological contract and the development of burnout and engagement: a longitudinal study among soldiers on a peacekeeping mission MJ Chambel, F Oliveira-Cruz Military Psychology 22 (2), 110-127, 2010 | 163 | 2010 |
The reciprocal relationship between work characteristics and employee burnout and engagement: A longitudinal study of firefighters RP Ângelo, MJ Chambel Stress and Health 31 (2), 106-114, 2015 | 155 | 2015 |
Psicossociologia das organizações MJ Chambel, L Curral Texto Editora, 1995 | 140 | 1995 |
The role of proactive coping in the Job Demands–Resources Model: A cross-section study with firefighters RP Ângelo, MJ Chambel European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 23 (2), 203-216, 2014 | 138 | 2014 |
The psychological contract of call-centre workers: Employment conditions, satisfaction and civic virtue behaviours MJ Chambel, CM Alcover Economic and Industrial Democracy 32 (1), 115-134, 2011 | 136 | 2011 |
They don't want to be temporaries: Similarities between temps and core workers MJ Chambel, F Castanheira Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007 | 127 | 2007 |
Psicologia organizacional: Da estrutura à cultura MJ Chambel, L Curral Livros Horizonte, 2008 | 125 | 2008 |
Emotional intelligence and health students' well-being: A two-wave study with students of medicine, physiotherapy and nursing VS Carvalho, E Guerrero, MJ Chambel Nurse education today 63, 35-42, 2018 | 122 | 2018 |
Temporary agency versus permanent workers: A multigroup analysis of human resource management, work engagement and organizational commitment MJ Chambel, F Castanheira, F Sobral Economic and Industrial Democracy 37 (4), 665-689, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
Relational job characteristics and nurses’ affective organizational commitment: The mediating role of work engagement A Santos, MJ Chambel, F Castanheira Journal of advanced nursing 72 (2), 294-305, 2016 | 112 | 2016 |
Job insecurity, workload and job exhaustion in temporary agency workers (TAWs) Gender differences M Giunchi, F Emanuel, MJ Chambel, C Ghislieri Career Development International 21 (1), 3-18, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |