Giovanni Yohanan Di Veroli
Giovanni Yohanan Di Veroli
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Cited by
Combenefit: an interactive platform for the analysis and visualization of drug combinations
GY Di Veroli, C Fornari, D Wang, S Mollard, JL Bramhall, FM Richards, ...
Bioinformatics 32 (18), 2866-2868, 2016
Community assessment to advance computational prediction of cancer drug combinations in a pharmacogenomic screen
MP Menden, D Wang, MJ Mason, B Szalai, KC Bulusu, Y Guan, T Yu, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 2674, 2019
An automated fitting procedure and software for dose-response curves with multiphasic features.
GY Di Veroli, C Fornari, I Goldlust, G Mills, SB Koh, JL Bramhall, ...
Scientific reports, 2015
High-throughput screening of drug-binding dynamics to HERG improves early drug safety assessment
GY Di Veroli, MR Davies, H Zhang, N Abi-Gerges, MR Boyett
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 304 (1 …, 2013
hERG Inhibitors With Similar Potency But Different Binding Kinetics Do Not Pose the Same Proarrhythmic Risk: Implications for Drug Safety Assessment
GY Di Veroli, MR Davies, H Zhang, N ABI‑GERGES, MR Boyett
Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology 25 (2), 197-207, 2014
Modeling of turbulent precipitation: A transported population balance‐PDF method
G Di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
AIChE Journal 56 (4), 878-892, 2010
Modeling of aerosol formation in a turbulent jet with the transported population balance equation-probability density function approach
GY Di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
Physics of Fluids 23 (4), 2011
A cancer pharmacogenomic screen powering crowd-sourced advancement of drug combination prediction
MP Menden, D Wang, Y Guan, MJ Mason, B Szalai, KC Bulusu, T Yu, ...
BioRxiv, 200451, 2017
A new classifier-based strategy for in-silico ion-channel cardiac drug safety assessment
HB Mistry, MR Davies, GY Di Veroli
Frontiers in Pharmacology 6, 59, 2015
Modelling of the cancer cell cycle as a tool for rational drug development: A systems pharmacology approach to cyclotherapy
RC Jackson, GY Di Veroli, SB Koh, I Goldlust, FM Richards, DI Jodrell
PLoS Comput Biol 13 (5), 2017
Opportunities for quantitative translational modeling in oncology
JWT Yates, H Byrne, SC Chapman, T Chen, L Cucurull‐Sanchez, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 108 (3), 447-457, 2020
Quantitative systems modeling approaches towards model-informed drug development: Perspective through case studies
M Verma, L Gall, J Biasetti, GY Di Veroli, C Pichardo-Almarza, MA Gibbs, ...
Frontiers in Systems Biology 2, 1063308, 2023
Stochastic modelling of particle formation in turbulent flows via transported population balance-PDF method
GY Di Veroli
The University of Manchester, 2009
Modelling of precipitation in turbulent flow via the joint species-number density pdf method
G Di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
18th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-ESCAPE 18, Lyon, 2008
Turbulent reactive flows with particle formation: Precipitation of BaSo4 in a turbulent flow via a species-number density pdf method
G di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements 7, Limassol, Cyprus, 792-797, 2008
Modelling hemodynamics regulation in rats and dogs to facilitate drugs safety risk assessment
CJ Morris, MG Rolf, L Starnes, IC Villar, A Pointon, H Kimko, GY Di Veroli
Frontiers in Pharmacology 15, 1402462, 2024
Predicting progression‐free survival from measurable residual disease in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
FA Tettamanti, H Kimko, S Sharma, G Di Veroli
Clinical and Translational Science 17 (8), e13905, 2024
Dynamics of drug binding to the hERG channel: An in silico cardiac action potential model for early safety assessment
G Di Veroli, GY Di Veroli, MR Davies, CE Pollard, HZMR Boyett, ...
Safety Pharmacology Society, 2011
Comprehensive modelling of reactive precipitation in turbulent flows
G Di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
IChemE's Fluid Mixing Processes Symp., 2009
Stochastic Modelling of Turbulent Reactive Flows with Particle Formation using the Species-Number Density PDF approach
G Di Veroli, S Rigopoulos
EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference 7, 2008
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Articles 1–20