Fabio Mantovani
Fabio Mantovani
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences - University of Ferrara
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Neutrino physics with JUNO
F An, G An, Q An, V Antonelli, E Baussan, J Beacom, L Bezrukov, S Blyth, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 43 (3), 030401, 2016
The next-generation liquid-scintillator neutrino observatory LENA
M Wurm, JF Beacom, LB Bezrukov, D Bick, J Blümer, S Choubey, ...
Astroparticle Physics 35 (11), 685-732, 2012
A reference Earth model for the heat‐producing elements and associated geoneutrino flux
Y Huang, V Chubakov, F Mantovani, RL Rudnick, WF McDonough
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (6), 2003-2029, 2013
JUNO physics and detector
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, R Ahmed, S Aiello, M Akram, F An, G An, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02565, 2021
Geo-neutrinos and earth's interior
G Fiorentini, M Lissia, F Mantovani
Physics Reports 453 (5-6), 117-172, 2007
Spectroscopy of geoneutrinos from 2056 days of Borexino data
M Agostini, S Appel, G Bellini, J Benziger, D Bick, G Bonfini, D Bravo, ...
Physical Review D 92 (3), 031101, 2015
Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of Borexino
G Bellini, J Benziger, D Bick, G Bonfini, D Bravo, MB Avanzini, ...
Physics Letters B 722 (4-5), 295-300, 2013
Antineutrinos from Earth: A reference model and its uncertainties
F Mantovani, L Carmignani, G Fiorentini, M Lissia
Physical Review D 69 (1), 013001, 2004
Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino
M Agostini, K Altenmüller, S Appel, V Atroshchenko, Z Bagdasarian, ...
Physical Review D 101 (1), 012009, 2020
The worldwide NORM production and a fully automated gamma-ray spectrometer for their characterization
G Xhixha, GP Bezzon, C Broggini, GP Buso, A Caciolli, I Callegari, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 295, 445-457, 2013
Sub-percent precision measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters with JUNO
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, R Ahmed, S Aiello, M Akram, A Aleem, ...
Chinese Physics C 46 (12), 123001, 2022
JUNO conceptual design report
T Adam, F An, G An, Q An, N Anfimov, V Antonelli, G Baccolo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.07166, 2015
Calibration strategy of the JUNO experiment
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, R Ahmed, S Aiello, M Akram, F An, G An, ...
Journal of high energy physics 2021 (3), 1-33, 2021
Optimization of the JUNO liquid scintillator composition using a Daya Bay antineutrino detector
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, S Aiello, M Akram, N Ali, FP An, GP An, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
A new FSA approach for in situ γ ray spectroscopy
A Caciolli, M Baldoncini, GP Bezzon, C Broggini, GP Buso, I Callegari, ...
Science of the Total Environment 414, 639-645, 2012
Feasibility and physics potential of detecting 8B solar neutrinos at JUNO
A Abusleme, T Adam, S Ahmad, S Aiello, M Akram, N Ali, F An, G An, ...
Chinese Physics C 45 (2), 023004, 2021
Reference worldwide model for antineutrinos from reactors
M Baldoncini, I Callegari, G Fiorentini, F Mantovani, B Ricci, V Strati, ...
Physical Review D 91 (6), 065002, 2015
Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino
G Fiorentini, GL Fogli, E Lisi, F Mantovani, AM Rotunno
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (3), 033004, 2012
U and Th content in the Central Apennines continental crust: A contribution to the determination of the geo-neutrinos flux at LNGS
M Coltorti, R Boraso, F Mantovani, M Morsilli, G Fiorentini, A Riva, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (9), 2271-2294, 2011
G Bellini, A Ianni, L Ludhova, F Mantovani, WF McDonough
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 73, 1-34, 2013
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Articles 1–20