Stefano Filacorda
Stefano Filacorda
ricercatore in ecologia animale - Università degli Studi di Udine
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Enhanced Glaucoma Staging System (GSS 2) for classifying functional damage in glaucoma
P Brusini, S Filacorda
Journal of glaucoma 15 (1), 40-46, 2006
In vitro fermentation kinetics of some halophyte shrubs sampled at three stages of maturity
ML Haddi, S Filacorda, K Meniai, F Rollin, P Susmel
Animal Feed Science and Technology 104 (1-4), 215-225, 2003
Lens epithelial cell reaction after implantation of different intraocular lens materials: two-year results of a randomized prospective trial
D Tognetto, L Toto, G Sanguinetti, P Cecchini, O Vattovani, S Filacorda, ...
Ophthalmology 110 (10), 1935-1941, 2003
Mating-related movements of male brown bears on the periphery of an expanding population
M Krofel, S Filacorda, K Jerina
Ursus 21 (1), 23-29, 2010
Spatial ecology of non-breeding Eurasian Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in relation to natural and artificial food availability
F Genero, M Franchini, Y Fanin, S Filacorda
Bird Study 67 (1), 53-70, 2020
Acoustic monitoring of golden jackals in Europe: setting the frame for future analyses
C Comazzi, S Mattiello, O Friard, S Filacorda, M Gamba
Bioacoustics 25 (3), 267-278, 2016
The return of large carnivores and extensive farming systems: a review of stakeholders’ perception at an EU level
M Franchini, M Corazzin, S Bovolenta, S Filacorda
Animals 11 (6), 1735, 2021
Cortisol in hair: a comparison between wild and feral cats in the north-eastern Alps
M Franchini, A Prandi, S Filacorda, EN Pezzin, Y Fanin, A Comin
European Journal of Wildlife Research 65 (6), 90, 2019
Use of track counts and camera traps to estimate the abundance of roe deer in North-Eastern Italy: are they effective methods?
T Romani, C Giannone, E Mori, S Filacorda
Mammal Research 63 (4), 477-484, 2018
Stay home, stay safe? High habitat suitability and environmental connectivity increases road mortality in a colonizing mesocarnivore
L Frangini, U Sterrer, M Franchini, S Pesaro, J Rüdisser, S Filacorda
Landscape Ecology 37 (9), 2343-2361, 2022
Context‐dependent behaviour and connectivity of recolonizing brown bear populations identify transboundary conservation challenges in Central Europe
MR Recio, F Knauer, A Molinari‐Jobin, Đ Huber, S Filacorda, K Jerina
Animal Conservation 24 (1), 73-83, 2021
Genetic and morphometric comparison betweenSorex arunchi Lapini and Testone, 1998, and other shrews from Italy
L Lapini, MG Filippucci, S Filacorda
Acta Theriologica 46, 337-352, 2001
Status of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) in the Italian Alps: an overview 2000–2004
PP MOLINARI, R Bionda, G Carmignola, M Catello, E Cetto, ...
Acta Biologica Slovenica 49 (1), 13.18-13.18, 2006
Prediction of body fat in lactating ewes using the diameter of subcutaneous adipocyte cells or body condition score
P Susmel, B Canavese, S Filacorda, E Piasentier
Options Mediterraneennes 27, 59-66, 1995
Estimation of the chemical composition of black grouse Tetrao tetrix diets in the eastern Italian Alps
S Filacorda, A Sepulcri, E Piasentier, PF de Franceschi
Wildlife Biology 3 (3-4), 187-194, 1997
Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) abundance estimation using Bayesian methods: first data from a highly agricultural environment in central Italy
M Franchini, A Viviano, L Frangini, S Filacorda, E Mori
Mammal Research 67 (2), 187-197, 2022
Distribution of large carnivores in Europe 2012–2016: Distribution map for Golden jackal (Canis aureus)
N Ranc, I Acosta-Pankov, V Balys, J Bučko, D Cirovic, N Fabijanić, ...
Zenodo 1, 2022
Cortisol in hair: do habitat fragmentation and competition with golden jackal (Canis aureus) measurably affect the long-term physiological response in European wildcat (Felis …
S Filacorda, A Comin, M Franchini, L Frangini, S Pesaro, EN Pezzin, ...
Annales Zoologici Fennici 59 (1), 1-16, 2021
Integration of different monitoring techniques for Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) detection in the north-east of Italy
G Stokel, L Frangini, M Franchini, E Pizzul, A Madinelli, A Stravisi, ...
Eurosian Otter workshop, "-"-"-", 2021
You're stressing me out! Effect of interspecific competition from red deer on roe deer physiological stress response
M Franchini, T Peric, L Frangini, A Prandi, A Comin, M Rota, S Filacorda
Journal of Zoology 320 (1), 63-74, 2023
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20