Bisio Alessandro
Bisio Alessandro
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Optimal quantum learning of a unitary transformation
A Bisio, G Chiribella, GM D’Ariano, S Facchini, P Perinotti
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (3), 032324, 2010
Quantum field as a quantum cellular automaton: The Dirac free evolution in one dimension
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, A Tosini
Annals of Physics 354, 244-264, 2015
Theoretical framework for higher-order quantum theory
A Bisio, P Perinotti
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2225), 20180706, 2019
Optimal probabilistic storage and retrieval of unitary channels
M Sedlák, A Bisio, M Ziman
Physical review letters 122 (17), 170502, 2019
Optimal quantum tomography of states, measurements, and transformations
A Bisio, G Chiribella, GM D’Ariano, S Facchini, P Perinotti
Physical review letters 102 (1), 010404, 2009
Quantum cellular automaton theory of light
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, P Perinotti
Annals of Physics 368, 177-190, 2016
Quantum networks: general theory and applications
A Bisio, G Chiribella, GM D'Ariano, P Perinotti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.04864, 2016
Dirac quantum cellular automaton in one dimension: and scattering from potential
A Bisio, GM D'Ariano, A Tosini
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 032301, 2013
Optimal quantum tomography
A Bisio, G Chiribella, GM D'Ariano, S Facchini, P Perinotti
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 15 (6), 1646-1660, 2009
Doubly special relativity from quantum cellular automata
A Bibeau-Delisle, A Bisio, GM D'Ariano, P Perinotti, A Tosini
Europhysics Letters 109 (5), 50003, 2015
Experimental implementation of unambiguous quantum reading
M Dall’Arno, A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, M Miková, M Ježek, M Dušek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 012308, 2012
Special relativity in a discrete quantum universe
A Bisio, GM D'Ariano, P Perinotti
Physical Review A 94 (4), 042120, 2016
Thirring quantum cellular automaton
A Bisio, GM D'Ariano, P Perinotti, A Tosini
Physical Review A 97 (3), 032132, 2018
Tradeoff between energy and error in the discrimination of quantum-optical devices
A Bisio, M Dall’Arno, GM D’Ariano
Physical Review A 84 (1), 012310, 2011
Quantum learning algorithms for quantum measurements
A Bisio, GM DʼAriano, P Perinotti, M Sedlák
Physics Letters A 375 (39), 3425-3434, 2011
Quantum walks, weyl equation and the lorentz group
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, P Perinotti
Foundations of Physics 47 (8), 1065-1076, 2017
Free quantum field theory from quantum cellular automata: Derivation of Weyl, Dirac and Maxwell quantum cellular automata
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, P Perinotti, A Tosini
Foundations of Physics 45, 1137-1152, 2015
Weyl, Dirac and Maxwell quantum cellular automata: analitical solutions and phenomenological predictions of the quantum cellular automata theory of free fields
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, P Perinotti, A Tosini
Foundations of Physics 45 (10), 1203-1221, 2015
Quantum conditional operations
A Bisio, M Dall'Arno, P Perinotti
Physical Review A 94 (2), 022340, 2016
Minimal computational-space implementation of multiround quantum protocols
A Bisio, GM D’Ariano, P Perinotti, G Chiribella
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (2), 022325, 2011
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