Ran Ni
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Cited by
Surface roughness directed self-assembly of patchy particles into colloidal micelles
DJ Kraft, R Ni, F Smallenburg, M Hermes, K Yoon, DA Weitz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), 10787-10792, 2012
Crystal nucleation of hard spheres using molecular dynamics, umbrella sampling, and forward flux sampling: A comparison of simulation techniques
L Filion, M Hermes, R Ni, M Dijkstra
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (24), 244115, 2010
Pushing the glass transition towards random close packing using self-propelled hard spheres
R Ni, MA Cohen Stuart, M Dijkstra
Nature Communications 4, 2704, 2013
Phase diagram of colloidal hard superballs: from cubes via spheres to octahedra
R Ni, AP Gantapara, J de Graaf, R van Roij, M Dijkstra
Soft Matter 8 (34), 8826-8834, 2012
Tunable long range forces mediated by self-propelled colloidal hard spheres
R Ni, MA Cohen Stuart, PG Bolhuis
Physical Review Letters 114 (1), 018302, 2015
Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Polymer Amphiphiles for In Vivo Photoacoustic Imaging
C Xie, X Zhen, Q Lei, R Ni, K Pu
Advanced Functional Materials 27, 1605397, 2017
Nonequilibrium strongly hyperuniform fluids of circle active particles with large local density fluctuations
QL Lei, MP Ciamarra, R Ni
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau7423, 2019
Simulation of nucleation in almost hard-sphere colloids: The discrepancy between experiment and simulation persists
L Filion, R Ni, D Frenkel, M Dijkstra
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (13), 134901, 2011
Structural signatures of dynamic heterogeneities in monolayers of colloidal ellipsoids
Z Zheng, R Ni, F Wang, M Dijkstra, Y Wang, Y Han
Nature communications 5, 3829, 2014
Thermal‐Disrupting Interface Mitigates Intercellular Cohesion Loss for Accurate Topical Antibacterial Therapy
B Hu, C Berkey, T Feliciano, X Chen, Z Li, C Chen, S Amini, MH Nai, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (12), 1907030, 2020
Hydrodynamics of random-organizing hyperuniform fluids
QL Lei, R Ni
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (46), 22983-22989, 2019
Modes of surface premelting in colloidal crystals composed of attractive particles
B Li, F Wang, D Zhou, Y Peng, R Ni, Y Han
Nature 531 (7595), 485-488, 2016
Crystallizing hard-sphere glasses by doping with active particles
R Ni, MA Cohen Stuart, M Dijkstra, PG Bolhuis
Soft Matter 10, 6609-6613, 2013
Glassy dynamics, spinodal fluctuations, and the kinetic limit of nucleation in suspensions of colloidal hard rods
R Ni, S Belli, R van Roij, M Dijkstra
Physical review letters 105 (8), 88302, 2010
Hexatic phase in a model of active biological tissues
A Pasupalak, L Yan-Wei, R Ni, MP Ciamarra
Soft Matter 16 (16), 3914-3920, 2020
Self-Assembly of a Colloidal Interstitial Solid with Tunable Sublattice Doping
L Filion, M Hermes, R Ni, ECM Vermolen, A Kuijk, CG Christova, ...
Physical Review Letters 107 (16), 168302, 2011
Dynamical clustering interrupts motility-induced phase separation in chiral active Brownian particles
Z Ma, R Ni
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (2), 021102, 2022
Interplay between folding and assembly of fibril-forming polypeptides
R Ni, S Abeln, M Schor, MA Cohen Stuart, PG Bolhuis
Physical Review Letters 111 (5), 058101, 2013
Dynamic assembly of active colloids: theory and simulation
Z Ma, M Yang, R Ni
Advanced Theory and Simulations 3 (8), 2000021, 2020
Crystal nucleation of colloidal hard dumbbells
R Ni, M Dijkstra
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (3), 034501, 2011
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Articles 1–20