Francesco Piccialli
Francesco Piccialli
Professor of Computer Science, University of Naples Federico II, Head of MODAL research lab
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Scientific Machine Learning through Physics-Informed Neural Networks: Where we are and What's next
S Cuomo, VS Di Cola, F Giampaolo, G Rozza, M Raissi, F Piccialli
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2022
From artificial intelligence to explainable artificial intelligence in industry 4.0: a survey on what, how, and where
I Ahmed, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (8), 5031-5042, 2022
A survey on deep learning in medicine: Why, how and when?
F Piccialli, V Di Somma, F Giampaolo, S Cuomo, G Fortino
Information Fusion 66, 111-137, 2021
Designing a smart museum: When cultural heritage joins IoT
A Chianese, F Piccialli
2014 eighth international conference on next generation mobile apps …, 2014
Machine learning for landslides prevention: a survey
Z Ma, G Mei, F Piccialli
Neural Computing and Applications 33 (17), 10881-10907, 2021
The role of artificial intelligence in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
F Piccialli, VS Di Cola, F Giampaolo, S Cuomo
Information Systems Frontiers 23 (6), 1467-1497, 2021
Model aggregation techniques in federated learning: A comprehensive survey
P Qi, D Chiaro, A Guzzo, M Ianni, G Fortino, F Piccialli
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024
Internet of vehicles: Key technologies, network model, solutions and challenges with future aspects
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (3), 1777-1786, 2020
A framework for Pandemic Prediction Using Big Data Analytics
I Ahmed, M Ahmad, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Big Data Research, 100190, 2021
Smart environments and cultural heritage: a novel approach to create intelligent cultural spaces
A Chianese, F Piccialli, I Valente
Journal of Location Based Services 9 (3), 209-234, 2015
Advanced machine-learning methods for brain-computer interfacing
Z Lv, L Qiao, Q Wang, F Piccialli
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 18 (5 …, 2020
SOS: a multimedia recommender system for online social networks
F Amato, V Moscato, A Picariello, F Piccialli
Future generation computer systems 93, 914-923, 2019
The talking museum project
F Amato, A Chianese, A Mazzeo, V Moscato, A Picariello, F Piccialli
Procedia computer science 21, 114-121, 2013
A deep-learning-based smart healthcare system for patient’s discomfort detection at the edge of internet of things
I Ahmed, G Jeon, F Piccialli
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (13), 10318-10326, 2021
Link quality and energy utilization based preferable next hop selection routing for wireless body area networks
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Computer Communications 149, 382-392, 2020
Julia language in machine learning: Algorithms, applications, and open issues
K Gao, G Mei, F Piccialli, S Cuomo, J Tu, Z Huo
Computer Science Review 37, 100254, 2020
An associative engines based approach supporting collaborative analytics in the internet of cultural things
A Chianese, F Marulli, F Piccialli, P Benedusi, JE Jung
Future generation computer systems 66, 187-198, 2017
An accurate and dynamic predictive model for a smart M-Health system using machine learning
KN Qureshi, S Din, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Information Sciences 538, 486-502, 2020
A blockchain-based eHealthcare system interoperating with WBANs
J Wang, K Han, A Alexandridis, Z Chen, Z Zilic, Y Pang, G Jeon, F Piccialli
Future Generation computer systems 110, 675-685, 2020
A robust features-based person tracker for overhead views in industrial environment
I Ahmed, A Ahmad, F Piccialli, AK Sangaiah, G Jeon
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (3), 1598-1605, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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