José Manuel del Río Campos
José Manuel del Río Campos
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Cited by
Passive design strategies for residential buildings in different Spanish climate zones
MM Fernandez-Antolin, JM del Río, V Costanzo, F Nocera, ...
Sustainability 11 (18), 4816, 2019
The use of gamification in higher technical education: perception of university students on innovative teaching materials
MM Fernandez-Antolin, JM del Río, RA Gonzalez-Lezcano
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 1-20, 2020
The relationship between the use of building performance simulation tools by recent graduate architects and the deficiencies in architectural education
MM Fernandez-Antolin, JM del-Río, F del Ama Gonzalo, ...
Energies 13 (5), 1134, 2020
Influence of Solar Reflectance and Renewable Energies on Residential Heating and Cooling Demand in Sustainable Architecture: A Case Study in Different Climate Zones in Spain …
MM Fernandez-Antolin, JM del-Río, RA Gonzalez-Lezcano
Sustainability 11 (23), 6782, 2019
Numerical analysis of the influence of the damping rings’ dimensions on interrupted dynamic tension experiment results
RA González-Lezcano, JM Del Río
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 50 (8), 594-613, 2015
Measurements and Finite‐Element Simulations of Residual Stresses Developed in Si3N4/Ni Diffusion Bonds
M Vila, C Prieto, P Miranzo, MI Osendi, JM del Río, JL Pérez‐Castellanos
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (9), 2515-2520, 2005
Influence of damping ring material on dynamic tensile tests
R González-Lezcano, JM del Río
Int. J. Eng. Technol.(IJET) 9, 1107-1120, 2017
Numerical analysis of the influence of the damping rings' thickness on interrupted dynamic tension results using SiC-reinforced ZC71 magnesium alloy specimens
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río Campos
Mechanical Sciences 10 (1), 169-186, 2019
Influence of thermal residual stresses on the behaviour of metal matrix composite materials
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río-Campos, T Awad Parada
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical …, 2023
Impact on the chirp effect of the shaped electrical-driven current of the directly-modulated 1.55 μm VCSEL in an optical fiber link
C del Río Campos, A Consoli, JM del Río Campos, PR Horche
Optics Communications 435, 326-333, 2019
Influence of the Projectile’s Length on Interrupted Dynamic Tension Experiment Results
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río
Numerical analysis of the influence of particle population characteristics in a metal matrix composite material
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río-Campos
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45 …, 2023
The influence of particle population geometry and slenderness on the mechanical behaviour of a metal-matrix composite material
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río-Campos, S Melero-Tur
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45 …, 2023
Lighting systems in building design
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río Campos, F Aramburu, MJ Montero
Ediciones Asimétricas, 2017
Electrical installations in building design
RA González-Lezcano, JM del Río Campos, F Aramburu, S Cesteros
Ediciones Asimétricas, 2016
Modelización numérica de interfases ceramica-metal para el análisis de sus propiedades termomecanicas
JM del Río Campos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2005
Application of polymer spectroscopy to the characterization of a sticking gel used in fabrics printing
A Larena, JM del Río
Macromolecular Symposia 119 (1), 291-297, 1997
Numerical analysis of the influence of the damping rings' thickness on interrupted dynamic tension results using SiC-reinforced ZC71 magnesium alloy specimens
JM Del Río Campos, RA González Lezcano
Copernicus Publications, 0
The influence of particle population geometry and slenderness on the mechanical behaviour of a metal-matrix composite material
JM Del Río Campos, JM Río Campos, S Melero Tur, ...
Springer, 0
Numerical analysis of the influence of the damping rings’ dimensions on interrupted dynamic tension experiment results
JM Del Río Campos, RA González Lezcano
Sage Journals, 0
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Articles 1–20