Hamid R. Barzegar
Cited by
Cited by
Blockchain-based e-voting systems: a technology review
M Hajian Berenjestanaki, HR Barzegar, N El Ioini, C Pahl
Electronics 13 (1), 17, 2023
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma.
J Werth, MH Berenjestanaki, HR Barzegar, N El Ioini, C Pahl
ICEIS (1), 146-155, 2023
Synchronization Techniques in “Device to Device-and Vehicle to Vehicle-Enabled” Cellular Networks: A survey
M Abbasi, A Shahraki, HR Barzegar, C Pahl
Computers and Electrical Engineering 90, 106955, 2021
Serverless Container Cluster Management for Lightweight Edge Clouds.
F Gand, I Fronza, N El Ioini, HR Barzegar, C Pahl
CLOSER, 302-311, 2020
Service continuity for ccam platform in 5g-carmen
HR Barzegar, N El Ioini, C Pahl
2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC …, 2020
Wireless Network Evolution Towards Service Continuity in 5G enabled Mobile Edge Computing
HR Barzegar, N El Ioini, CP Van Thanh Le
The Fifth International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2020), 2020
A Review of Architectural Principles and Patterns for Distributed Mobile Information Systems
C Pahl, I Fronza, N El Ioini, H Barzegar
A fuzzy controller for self-adaptive lightweight edge container orchestration
F Gand, I Fronza, N El Ioini, HR Barzegar, S Azimi, C Pahl
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and …, 2020
Trust management for service migration in Multi-access Edge Computing environments
N El Ioini, HR Barzegar, C Pahl
Computer Communications 194, 167-179, 2022
A Containerized Edge Cloud Architecture for Data Stream Processing
R Scolati, I Fronza, N El Ioini, A Samir, H R. Barzegar, P Claus
Cloud Computing and Services Science, 2020
Service migration in multi-domain cellular networks based on machine learning approaches
M Pomalo, N El Ioini, C Pahl, HR Barzegar
2020 7th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management …, 2020
Anomaly Detection and Analysis for Reliability Management in Clustered Container Architectures
A Samir, N El Ioini, I Fronza, HR Barzegar, VT Le, C Pahl
International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements 12 (3 & 4 …, 2019
Channel Coding for Multi‐Carrier Wireless Partial Duplex
HR Barzegar, L Reggiani
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2019 (1), 9891821, 2019
A Multi-domain Network Simulator Based on NS-3
NEI Van Thanh Le, HR Barzegar, C Pahl
5G-CARMEN: Service Continuity in 5G-Enabled Edge Clouds
HR Barzegar, N El Ioini, CP Van Thanh Le
8th European Conference On Service-Oriented And Cloud Computing, 2020
A Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Distributed Particle Swarm Optimization for Edge Computing.
R Busetti, N El Ioini, HR Barzegar, C Pahl
CLOSER, 194-203, 2023
A Quality-driven Machine Learning Governance Architecture for Self-Adaptive Edge Clouds
C Pahl, S Azimi, HR Barzegar, N El Ioini
The 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science …, 2022
Improvement of Edge Computing Workload Placement using Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
ORC Rodrıguez, CP Van Thanh Le, N El Ioini, HR Barzegar
A Lightweight Virtualisation Platform for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility.
F Gand, I Fronza, N El Ioini, HR Barzegar, Van Thanh Le, C Pahl
VEHITS, 211-220, 2020
A Controller for Anomaly Detection, Analysis and Management for Self-Adaptive Container Clusters
A Samir, N El Ioini, I Fronza, HR Barzegar, VT Le, C Pahl
International Journal on Advances in Software 12 (3 & 4), 356-371, 2019
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Articles 1–20