Fatma Fairouz
Fatma Fairouz
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Thermal expansion and fatigue properties of automotive brake rotor made of AlSi–SiC composites
FM Firouz, E Mohamed, A Lotfy, A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair
Materials Research Express 6 (12), 1265d2, 2020
Microstructure, compression and creep properties of Al-5% Cu-0.8 Mn/5% B4C composites
A Lotfy, AV Pozdniakov, VS Zolotorevskiy, E Mohamed, MT Abou El-Khair, ...
Materials Research Express 6 (9), 095530, 2019
Novel Pb alloys based composite foams containing hybrid pores produced by liquid metallurgy for lightweight batteries
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, AY Shenouda, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, ...
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 5 (1), 44-57, 2022
Compressive Behavior of 7075 Al-SiO2 Waste Particle Composite Foams Produced with Recycled Aluminum Cans
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, A Lotfy
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 29 (5), 2978-2990, 2020
Aging behavior and thermal expansion of novel Pb alloys reinforced with fly ash cenospheres composite foams
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, AY Shenouda, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, ...
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 5 (2), 178-187, 2022
Effect of processing parameters on 7075 Al–silica particle waste composite foams produced with recycled aluminum cans
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, A Lotfy
Physics of Metals and Metallography 122 (13), 1326-1337, 2021
Electrochemical performance of novel Pb alloys reinforced with Ni-coated fly ash microballoon composite foams in Lead Acid Battery
A Daoud, AY Shenouda, MT Abou El-Khair, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 294, 126987, 2023
Microstructure and Wear Behavior of Squeezed Magnesium Alloy (AM100) Based Composites Reinforced with ZrB2, Graphite and Hybrid of ZrB2 and Graphite …
MA El-Khair, F Firouz, A Lotfy, E Mohamed, A Daoud
Key Engineering Materials 835, 155-162, 2020
Microstructure Aspects of 7075 Al-SiO2 Composite Foams Produced by Direct Melt Foaming Method
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, F Firouz, A Lotfy, E Ahmed
Key Engineering Materials 835, 7-12, 2020
Wear behavior of brake rotor made of AlSi-SiC composites
F Fairouz, A Daoud, M Abou El-khair
Aging behavior and tensile properties of cast and squeezed 6061-SiC particles composites
FM Fairouz, AA Daoud, MT Abou El-khair
21st Int. Conf. on Composite Materials Xi’an, 0
Hybrid Composite Foams Based on Pb Alloys for Lightweight Batteries
A Daoud, AY Shenouda, M Taher, FM Fairouz, E SHALABY, ME Elnady
International Journal of Materials Technology and Innovation 2 (2), 38-46, 2022
Microstructures, Aging Behavior and Thermal Expansion of 7075 Al–Silica Particle Waste Composite Foams Produced with Recycled Aluminum Cans
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, F Fairouz, E Mohamed, A Lotfy
Physics of Metals and Metallography 121, 1358-1363, 2020
AlSi-SiC Composites for Automotive Brake Rotor
F Firouz, A Daoud, MA El-Khair
Key Engineering Materials 835, 178-185, 2020
Aging Behavior of Pb Alloy–45 Vol.% Fly Ash Microballoon Composites
A Daoud, MT Abou El-Khair, F Fairouz, E Mohammed, A Lotfy, PK Rohatgi
Materials Performance and Characterization 5 (1), 66-77, 2016
Tribological behavior of aluminium-based A359 - 10vol. % Al2O3 or SiC and 5vol. %graphite hybrid composites
ADAMES M.T. Abou El-khair, F. M. Fairouz
Tins Bulletin 100, 36-49, 2012
Influence of Mish Metal on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of CP- Mg Alloy Reinforced with Al2O3 or SiC Particulates
AMESANAA M.T.Abou El-Khair, F.M. Fairouz
8th International Conference of Chemical Engineering, Cairo, Egypt,, 2008
Influence of Mish Metal and Particulate Size on Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Alloy Reinforced With Al2O3 or SiC
AMESANAA M.T.Abou El-Khair, F.M. Fairouz
7th Arab Foundry Symposium, Sharm, Egypt,, 2008
Fabrication and Interface Characterization of Some Magnesium Composite Alloys
AMESANAA M.T.Abou El-khair, F.M. Fairouz
7th Egyptian Syrian Conference in Chemical Engineering, Suez, Egypt, ., 2007
Microstructure and Interface Characterization of CP-Mg and AZ91 Composite Alloys
AMESANAA M.T. Abou El-khair, F.M. Firouz
Eurasian Chemico-Technological 9 (No.3), 207- 215, 2007
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