Karen Brennan
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Scratch: programming for all
M Resnick, J Maloney, A Monroy-Hernández, N Rusk, E Eastmond, ...
Communications of the ACM 52 (11), 60-67, 2009
New frameworks for studying and assessing the development of computational thinking
K Brennan, M Resnick
Proceedings of the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research …, 2012
Creative computing
K Brennan, C Balch, M Chung
Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2014
The managed teacher: Emotional labour, education, and technology
K Brennan
Educational Insights 10 (2), 55-65, 2006
Best of both worlds: Issues of structure and agency in computational creation, in and out of school
KA Brennan
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
Making projects, making friends: Online community as catalyst for interactive media creation
K Brennan, A Monroy‐Hernández, M Resnick
New directions for youth development 2010 (128), 75-83, 2010
Expanding outcomes: Exploring varied conceptions of teacher learning in an online professional development experience
MM Yurkofsky, S Blum-Smith, K Brennan
Teaching and Teacher Education 82, 1-13, 2019
Beyond technocentrism
K Brennan
Constructivist Foundations 10 (3), 289-296, 2015
The effects of first programming language on college students’ computing attitude and achievement: a comparison of graphical and textual languages
C Chen, P Haduong, K Brennan, G Sonnert, P Sadler
Computer Science Education 29 (1), 23-48, 2019
Imagining, creating, playing, sharing, reflecting: How online community supports young people as designers of interactive media
K Brennan, M Resnick
Emerging technologies for the classroom: A learning sciences perspective …, 2012
Learning computing through creating and connecting
K Brennan
Computer 46 (9), 52-59, 2013
Stepping back and stepping in: Facilitating learner-centered experiences in MOOCs
S Blum-Smith, MM Yurkofsky, K Brennan
Computers & Education 160, 104042, 2021
Stories from the scratch community: connecting with ideas, interests, and people
K Brennan, M Resnick
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education …, 2013
More than code: The significance of social interactions in young people's development as interactive media creators
K Brennan, A Valverde, J Prempeh, R Roque, M Chung
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 2147-2156, 2011
Scaffolding ecosystems science practice by blending immersive environments and computational modeling
AC Dickes, A Kamarainen, SJ Metcalf, S Gün‐Yildiz, K Brennan, T Grotzer, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2181-2202, 2019
Beyond right or wrong: Challenges of including creative design activities in the classroom
K Brennan
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 23 (3), 279-299, 2015
Helping K--12 Teachers Get Unstuck with Scratch: The Design of an Online Professional Learning Experience
P Haduong, K Brennan
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2019
From checklists to heuristics: Designing MOOCs to support teacher learning
K Brennan, S Blum-Smith, M Yurkofsky
Teachers College Record 120 (9), 2018
Scratch-Ed: an online community for scratch educators.
K Brennan
CSCL (2), 76-78, 2009
Assessing computational thinking through the lenses of functionality and computational fluency
SJ Metcalf, JM Reilly, S Jeon, A Wang, A Pyers, K Brennan, C Dede
Computer Science Education 31 (2), 199-223, 2021
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20