Andrea Iovine
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Conversational Recommender Systems and natural language:: A study through the ConveRSE framework
A Iovine, F Narducci, G Semeraro
Decision Support Systems 131, 113250, 2020
HealthAssistantBot: a personal health assistant for the Italian language
M Polignano, F Narducci, A Iovine, C Musto, M De Gemmis, G Semeraro
IEEE Access 8, 107479-107497, 2020
CycleNER: an unsupervised training approach for named entity recognition
A Iovine, A Fang, B Fetahu, O Rokhlenko, S Malmasi
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2022, 2916-2924, 2022
A Dataset of Real Dialogues for Conversational Recommender Systems.
A Iovine, F Narducci, M de Gemmis
CLiC-it, 2019
EUPHORIA: A neural multi-view approach to combine content and behavioral features in review spam detection
G Andresini, A Iovine, R Gasbarro, M Lomolino, M de Gemmis, A Appice
Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science 3, 100036, 2022
An empirical evaluation of active learning strategies for profile elicitation in a conversational recommender system
A Iovine, P Lops, F Narducci, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1-26, 2022
Virtual customer assistants in finance: From state of the art and practices to design guidelines
A Iovine, F Narducci, C Musto, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
Computer Science Review 47, 100534, 2023
ATE ABSITA@ EVALITA2020: Overview of the aspect term extraction and aspect-based sentiment analysis task
L De Mattei, G De Martino, A Iovine, A Miaschi, M Polignano, G Rambelli
A Domain-independent Framework for building Conversational Recommender Systems.
F Narducci, P Basile, A Iovine, M de Gemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro
KaRS@ RecSys, 29-34, 2018
Emerging trends in gender-specific occupational titles in Italian Newspapers
P Cassotti, A Iovine, P Basile, M De Gemmis, G Semeraro
Milan, Italy, 2022
A Virtual Customer Assistant for the Wealth Management domain in the UWMP project.
A Iovine, M de Gemmis, F Narducci, G Semeraro, D Filisetti, D Ingoglia, ...
HAI-GEN+ user2agent@ IUI, 2020
Tell me what you Like: introducing natural language preference elicitation strategies in a virtual assistant for the movie domain
C Musto, AFM Martina, A Iovine, F Narducci, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 62 (2), 575-599, 2024
A virtual assistant for the movie domain exploiting natural language preference elicitation strategies
AFM Martina, C Musto, A Iovine, M de Gemmis, F Narducci, G Semeraro
Adjunct proceedings of the 30th ACM conference on user modeling, adaptation …, 2022
A Comparison of Services for Intent and Entity Recognition for Conversational Recommender Systems.
A Iovine, F Narducci, M de Gemmis, M Polignano, P Basile, G Semeraro
IntRS@ RecSys, 37-47, 2020
Conversational Agents for Recommender Systems
A Iovine
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 758-763, 2020
CycleKQR: Unsupervised Bidirectional Keyword-Question Rewriting
A Iovine, A Fang, B Fetahu, J Zhao, O Rokhlenko, S Malmasi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2022
Improving preference elicitation in a conversational recommender system with active learning strategies
A Iovine, P Lops, F Narducci, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM symposium on applied computing, 1375-1382, 2021
A general aspect-term-extraction model for multi-criteria recommendations (long paper)
P Pastore, A Iovine, F Narducci, G Semeraro
KaRS/ComplexRec@ RecSys, 2021
A general aspect-term-extraction model for multi-criteria recommendations
P Pastore, A Iovine, F Narducci, G Semeraro
Proceedings of the Joint KaRS & ComplexRec Workshop. CEUR-WS, 2021
Humanoid robots and conversational recommender systems: A preliminary study
A Iovine, F Narducci, M de Gemmis, G Semeraro
2020 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 1-7, 2020
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20