Luigi Dini
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Prisma Mission Status and Perspective
R Loizzo, M Daraio, R Guarini, F Longo, R Lorusso, L Dini, E Lopinto
IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2019
Retrieval of Leaf Area Index from CHRIS/PROBA data: an analysis of the directional and spectral information content
F Vuolo, L Dini, G D'Urso
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (17-18), 5063-5072, 2008
Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica
P Milillo, E Rignot, P Rizzoli, B Scheuchl, J Mouginot, JL Bueso-Bello, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (1), 48-53, 2022
Retrieval of leaf area index by inverting hyperspectral multiangular CHRIS PROBA data from SPARC 2003
G D’Urso, L Dini, F Vuolo, L Alonso, L Guanter
Proc. 2nd CHRIS Proba Workshop 28, 2004
Estimation of land surface parameters through modeling inversion of Earth Observation optical data
P Papajorgji, G D’Urso, S Gomez, F Vuolo, L Dini
Advances in Modeling Agricultural Systems, 317-338, 2009
Hierarchical classification of complex landscape with VHR pan-sharpened satellite data and OBIA techniques
M Gianinetto, M Rusmini, G Candiani, GD Via, F Frassy, P Maianti, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 47 (1), 229-250, 2014
Melt rates in the kilometer-size grounding zone of Petermann Glacier, Greenland, before and during a retreat
E Ciracì, E Rignot, B Scheuchl, V Tolpekin, M Wollersheim, L An, P Milillo, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (20), e2220924120, 2023
Ongoing grounding line retreat and fracturing initiated at the Petermann Glacier ice shelf, Greenland, after 2016
R Millan, J Mouginot, A Derkacheva, E Rignot, P Milillo, E Ciraci, L Dini, ...
The Cryosphere 16 (7), 3021-3031, 2022
Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica, Nat. Geosci., 15, 48–53
P Milillo, E Rignot, P Rizzoli, B Scheuchl, J Mouginot, JL Bueso-Bello, ...
Time series of COSMO-SkyMed data for landcover classification and surface parameter retrieval over agricultural sites
F Mattia, G Satalino, A Balenzano, G D'Urso, F Capodici, V Iacobellis, ...
2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 6511-6514, 2012
Assessment of LAI retrieval accuracy by inverting a RT model and a simple empirical model with multiangular and hyperspectral CHRIS/PROBA data from SPARC
F Vuolo, L Dini, G D’Urso
Proceedings of the 3rd CHRIS/Proba Workshop, 21-23, 2005
High-resolution SAR and high-resolution optical data integration for sub-urban land-cover classification
M Rusmini, G Candiani, F Frassy, P Maianti, A Marchesi, FR Nodari, ...
2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 4986-4989, 2012
Integration of COSMO-SkyMed and GeoEye-1 Data With Object-Based Image Analysis
M Gianinetto, M. Rusmini, A Marchesi, P Maianti, F Frassy, G Dalla Via, ...
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE …, 2015
Spatial distribution of soil water content from airborne thermal and optical remote sensing data
K Richter, M Palladino, F Vuolo, L Dini, G D'Urso
Remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology XI 7472, 209-219, 2009
Evaluation of different methods for the retrieval of LAI using high resolution airborne data
K Richter, F Vuolo, G D’Urso, L Dini
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering …, 2007
Cost-effectiveness of vegetation biophysical parameters retrieval from remote sensing data
F Vuolo, G D'Urso, L Dini
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1949-1952, 2006
Preliminary Analysis and Modelling of BRDF on CHRIS/PROBA Data from SPARC 2003
G D’Urso, L Dini, F Vuolo, L Guanter
Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento 2, 1015-1020, 2004
COSMO-SkyMed di Seconda Generazione-civilian product specifications
R Lorusso, L Fasano, L Dini, C Facchinetti, GN Varacalli
Proceedings of the 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen …, 2018
Geometric registration of remotely sensed data with SAMIR
M Gianinetto, L Barazzetti, L Dini, A Fusiello, R Toldo
Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the …, 2015
COSMO-SkyMed Open Call: an opportunity for the international scientific community and National SMEs
ML Battagliere, L Dini, MG Daraio, P Sacco, M Virelli, A Coletta, O Piperno
Living Planet Symposium 740, 272, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20