Dale Tweedie
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Exploring ‘integrated thinking’ in integrated reporting - An exploratory study in Australia
T Feng, L Cummings, D Tweedie
Journal of Intellectual Capital 18 (2), 330-353, 2017
Entitlements and Time: Integrated Reporting's Double-Edged Agenda
D Tweedie, N Martinov-Bennie
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 35 (1), 49-61, 2015
How Does Performance Management Affect Workers? Beyond Human Resource Management and Its Critique
D Tweedie, D Wild, C Rhodes, N Martinov‐Bennie
International Journal of Management Reviews, 2018
Teaching global ethical standards: a case and strategy for broadening the accounting ethics curriculum
D Tweedie, MC Dyball, J Hazelton, S Wright
Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1), 1-15, 2013
A “green” accountant is difficult to find: Can accountants contribute to sustainability management initiatives?
M Egan, D Tweedie
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 31 (6), 1749-1773, 2018
Precarious Work and Reproductive Insecurity
S Chan, D Tweedie
Social Alternatives 34 (4), 5-13, 2015
Journey or toolbox? Integrated reporting and processes of organisational change
C Higgins, W Stubbs, D Tweedie, G McCallum
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (6), 1662-1689, 2019
Making sense of insecurity: a defence of Richard Sennett’s sociology of work
D Tweedie
Work, Employment & Society 27 (1), 94-104, 2013
The Business Model in Integrated Reporting: Evaluating Concept and Application
D Tweedie, C Nielsen, N Martinov‐Bennie
Australian Accounting Review 28 (3), 405-420, 2018
The subversive craft worker: Challenging 'disutility' theories of management control
D Tweedie, S Holley
Human Relations 69 (9), 1877-1900, 2016
Precarious work and Australian labour norms
D Tweedie
The Economic and Labour Relations Review 24 (3), 297-315, 2013
An investigation into the roles, characteristics, expectations and evaluation practices of audit committees
N Martinov-Bennie, DSB Soh, D Tweedie
Managerial Auditing Journal 30 (8/9), 727-755, 2015
Economic inequality: problems and perspectives for interdisciplinary accounting research
D Tweedie, J Hazelton
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (7), 1982-2003, 2019
Social Accounting into Action: Religion as ‘Moral Source’
S Perkiss, D Tweedie
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 1-16, 2017
After Habermas: Applying Axel Honneth’s critical theory in accounting research
D Tweedie
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 57, 39-55, 2018
Social Accounting for Inequality: Applying Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century
D Tweedie, J Hazelton
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 35 (2), 113-122, 2015
Integrated reporting: symptom or cure of new capitalism’s ills?
D Tweedie
Proceedings of the Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, Toronto …, 2014
Inclusive capitalism as accounting ideology: The case of integrated reporting
D Tweedie
Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 102482, 2022
Accounting's role in resisting wage theft: a labour process theory analysis
D Yang, J Dumay, D Tweedie
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 34 (1), 85-110, 2021
Is international accounting education delivering pedagogical value?
C Patel, B Millanta, D Tweedie
Accounting Education 25 (3), 223-238, 2016
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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