Barbara Miceli
Barbara Miceli
Assistant Professor in American Studies, University of Gdansk
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Cited by
Religion, Gender Inequality, and Surrogate Motherhood in Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”
B Miceli
CoSMo| Comparative Studies in Modernism, 2018
Margaret Atwood’s The Heart goes Last: Panopticism, Discipline, Society, and Ustopia
B Miceli
Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory 5 (2), 79-90, 2019
Infanticide and the Symbolism of Evil in Joyce Carol Oates's Dear Husband
B Miceli
Anglica, An International Journal of English Studies 29 (1), 75-85, 2020
Finestre ed epifanie nella poesia di Raymond Carver: Happiness, Rain, The Window
B Miceli
Altre Modernità, 214-224, 2015
Children as Commodities in the American Suburban Home: Joyce Carol Oates's Adaptation of the Ramsey Case in My Sister, My Love
B Miceli
English Studies at NBU 10 (2), 247-263, 2024
“A Complicated Landscape in Which Stories Could Be Generated”: Displacement and Identity in Aleksandar Hemon’s The Book of My Lives
B Miceli
Transnational American Spaces, 113-122, 2022
Escape from the Corpus: The Pain of Writing and Illness in Philip Roth's The Anatomy Lesson
B Miceli
The Poetics and Hermeneutics of Pain and Pleasure, 55-62, 2022
Pandemia e serie televisive: il connubio miserabile
B Miceli
Mind the queue! Evidenze di coronavirus nel mondo a un anno dalla pandemia …, 2021
Cercare la gioia nelle persone amate. Recensione del romanzo Crossroads di Jonathan Franzen
B Miceli
L'Indice dei Libri del Mese 12, 17, 2021
Super-secret spies, living next door: Family and Soft Power in The Americans
B Miceli
Screening American Nostalgia, 80-98, 2021
Rivers, Reflections, and Memories in Raymond Carver’s Where Water Comes Together with Other Water
B Miceli
Comparative American Studies, 1-9, 2021
Black Water and Mudwoman by Joyce Carol Oates: Two Drownings in Comparison
B Miceli
Revell 3 (26), 276-291, 2020
“My yesterdays are disappearing, and my tomorrows are uncertain”: Alzheimer’s Disease and the Impossible Survivor Narrative in Lisa Genova’s Still Alice
B Miceli
Altre Modernità 24, 66-78, 2020
Metoda analizy wizualnej dzieł Brunona Schulza w pracach Paola Caneppelego La repubblica dei sogni i I capelli della cometa
B Miceli
Schulz/Forum 15, 241-247, 2020
Joyce Carol Oates: Tradurre la muta sofferenza intorno a noi
B Miceli
L'Indice dei libri del mese, 17, 2020
A ‘compendiary’ representation of Marylin Monroe’s Self in Black Dahlia & White Rose by Joyce Carol Oates
B Miceli
Identity navigation: rethinking languages, literatures and cultures between …, 2020
Peace, Freedom and Cooperation through the Atlantic Crossing in Colum McCann's TransAtlantic
CIRCOLAZIONE DI PERSONE E DI IDEE Integrazione ed esclusione tra Europa e …, 2019
“A cancer on the planet”: Mountaintop Removal and Environmental Crime in Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom”
B Miceli
Forum Filologiczne Ateneum 1 (7), 343-356, 2019
L’eterno ‘other’: clash culturale, esilio e identità frammentata in tre opere di J.P. Donleavy
B Miceli
Alter/Ego: Confronti e scontri nella definizione dell’altro e nella …, 2019
A.M. Homes's The Safety of Objects: People and Feelings as Objects in the American Suburban Home
B Miceli
Journal of History and Cultures, 71-81, 2019
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Articles 1–20