Lamia Tounsi
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Citata da
Dcu: Aspect-based polarity classification for semeval task 4
J Wagner, P Arora, S Cortes, U Barman, D Bogdanova, J Foster, L Tounsi
Association for Computational Linguistics and Dublin City University, 2014
Sentiment analysis of political tweets: Towards an accurate classifier
A Bakliwal, J Foster, J van der Puil, R O'Brien, L Tounsi, M Hughes
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2013
Statistical parsing of morphologically rich languages (spmrl) what, how and whither
R Tsarfaty, D Seddah, Y Goldberg, S Kübler, Y Versley, M Candito, ...
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First Workshop on Statistical Parsing of …, 2010
Automatic extraction of Arabic multiword expressions
M Attia, A Toral, L Tounsi, P Pecina, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of the 2010 workshop on multiword expressions: From theory to …, 2010
Handling unknown words in statistical latent-variable parsing models for Arabic, English and French
M Attia, J Foster, D Hogan, J Le Roux, L Tounsi, J Van Genabith
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010
An open-source finite state morphological transducer for modern standard Arabic
M Attia, P Pecina, A Toral, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Finite State Methods and …, 2011
An automatically built named entity lexicon for Arabic
M Attia, A Toral, L Tounsi, M Monachini, J van Genabith
European Language Resources Association, 2010
Is all that Glitters in Machine Translation Quality Estimation really Gold?
Y Graham, T Baldwin, M Dowling, M Eskevich, T Lynn, L Tounsi
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computational …, 2016
Cross-lingual transfer parsing for low-resourced languages: An Irish case study
T Lynn, J Foster, M Dras, L Tounsi
Proceedings of the First Celtic Language Technology Workshop, 41-49, 2014
A lexical database for modern standard Arabic interoperable with a finite state morphological transducer
M Attia, P Pecina, A Toral, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
Systems and Frameworks for Computational Morphology: Second International …, 2011
Parsing Arabic using treebank-based LFG resources
L Tounsi, M Attia, J van Genabith
CSLI Publications, 2009
Morphological features for parsing morphologically-rich languages: A case of Arabic
J Dehdari, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Parsing of Morphologically …, 2011
Automatic treebank-based acquisition of Arabic LFG dependency structures
L Tounsi, M Attia, J van Genabith
Proceedings of the EACL 2009 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic …, 2009
Zaman and raqm: extracting temporal and numerical expressions in arabic
I Saleh, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
Information Retrieval Technology: 7th Asia Information Retrieval Societies …, 2011
Lexical profiling for Arabic
M Attia, P Pecina, L Tounsi, A Toral, J van Genabith
Proceedings of eLex, 23-33, 2011
Arabic parsing using grammar transforms
L Tounsi, J van Genabith
European Language Resources Association, 2010
Automatic Lexical Resource Acquisition for Constructing an LMF-Compatible Lexicon of Modern Standard Arabic
M Attia, L Tounsi, J van Genabith
Technical report, The NCLT Seminar Series, 2010
A compression method for natural language automata
L Tounsi, B Bouchou, D Maurel
Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing, 146-157, 2009
Sous-automates à nombre fini d'états application à la compression de dictionnaires électroniques
L Tounsi
polytech Tours, 2007
Risk Information Extraction and Aggregation: Experimenting on Medline Abstracts
L Deleris, S Deparis, B Sacaleanu, L Tounsi
Algorithmic Decision Theory: Third International Conference, ADT 2013 …, 2013
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20