Kien Hua
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Cited by
Zigzag: An efficient peer-to-peer scheme for media streaming
DA Tran, KA Hua, T Do
IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second annual joint conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Patching a multicast technique for true video-on-demand services
KA Hua, Y Cai, S Sheu
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Multimedia, 191-200, 1998
Skyscraper broadcasting: A new broadcasting scheme for metropolitan video-on-demand systems
KA Hua, S Sheu
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 27 (4), 89-100, 1997
A peer-to-peer architecture for media streaming
DA Tran, KA Hua, TT Do
IEEE journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22 (1), 121-133, 2004
Decision tree classifier for network intrusion detection with GA-based feature selection
G Stein, B Chen, AS Wu, KA Hua
Proceedings of the 43rd annual Southeast regional conference-Volume 2, 136-141, 2005
P2VoD: Providing fault tolerant video-on-demand streaming in peer-to-peer environment
TT Do, KA Hua, MA Tantaoui
2004 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Chaining: A generalized batching technique for video-on-demand systems
S Sheu, KA Hua, W Tavanapong
Proceedings of IEEE international conference on multimedia computing and …, 1997
Optimizing patching performance
Y Cai, KA Hua, K Vu
Multimedia Computing and Networking 1999 3654, 204-215, 1998
Handling Data Skew in Multiprocessor Database Computers Using Partition Tuning.
KA Hua, C Lee
VLDB 91, 525-535, 1991
Electronic item management and archival system and method of operating the same
K Edwards, G Heller, R Noor, K Hua, N Jajiang, R Peng, M Tantaoui
US Patent App. 10/859,619, 2005
Image retrieval based on regions of interest
K Vu, KA Hua, W Tavanapong
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 15 (4), 1045-1049, 2003
Processing range-monitoring queries on heterogeneous mobile objects
Y Cai, KA Hua, G Cao
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
Multi-level multi-channel air cache designs for broadcasting in a mobile environment
K Prabhakara, KA Hua, JH Oh
Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (Cat. No …, 2000
An Adaptive Data Placement Scheme for Parallel Database Computer Systems.
KA Hua, C Lee
VLDB 90, 493-506, 1990
Query l-diversity in location-based services
F Liu, KA Hua, Y Cai
2009 Tenth international conference on mobile data management: systems …, 2009
Video delivery technologies for large-scale deployment of multimedia applications
KA Hua, MA Tantaoui, W Tavanapong
Proceedings of the IEEE 92 (9), 1439-1451, 2004
Linear subspace ranking hashing for cross-modal retrieval
K Li, GJ Qi, J Ye, KA Hua
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (9), 1825-1838, 2016
Performance study of live video streaming over highway vehicular ad hoc networks
F Xie, KA Hua, W Wang, YH Ho
2007 IEEE 66th vehicular technology conference, 2121-2125, 2007
BroadCatch: A periodic broadcast technique for heterogeneous video-on-demand
MA Tantaoui, KA Hua, TT Do
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 50 (3), 289-301, 2004
Constrained locally weighted clustering
H Cheng, KA Hua, K Vu
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 1 (1), 90-101, 2008
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Articles 1–20