luc Brun
luc Brun
Professeur d'informatique, ENSICAEN
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A neural network based on SPD manifold learning for skeleton-based hand gesture recognition
XS Nguyen, L Brun, O Lézoray, S Bougleux
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Recent advances in diffusion MRI modeling: Angular and radial reconstruction
HE Assemlal, D Tschumperlé, L Brun, K Siddiqi
Medical image analysis 15 (4), 369-396, 2011
Lecture notes in computer science
C Chen, J Hartmanis, J van Leeuwen
Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries, 2002
Comparison and optimization of methods of color image quantization
JP Braquelaire, L Brun
IEEE transactions on image processing 6 (7), 1048-1052, 1997
Two new graphs kernels in chemoinformatics
B Gaüzere, L Brun, D Villemin
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (15), 2038-2047, 2012
Graph edit distance as a quadratic assignment problem
S Bougleux, L Brun, V Carletti, P Foggia, B Gaüzère, M Vento
Pattern Recognition Letters 87, 38-46, 2017
Efficient and robust computation of PDF features from diffusion MR signal
HE Assemlal, D Tschumperlé, L Brun
Medical image analysis 13 (5), 715-729, 2009
Image segmentation with topological maps and inter-pixel representation
JP Braquelaire, L Brun
Journal of visual communication and image representation 9 (1), 62-79, 1998
Fatal interstitial lung disease associated with oral erlotinib therapy for lung cancer
D Makris, A Scherpereel, MC Copin, G Colin, L Brun, JJ Lafitte, ...
BMC cancer 7, 1-4, 2007
Color quantization
L Brun, A Trémeau
Digital color imaging handbook, 589-637, 2017
Introduction to combinatorial pyramids
L Brun, W Kropatsch
Digital and image geometry: advanced lectures, 108-128, 2002
Comparing heuristics for graph edit distance computation
DB Blumenthal, N Boria, J Gamper, S Bougleux, L Brun
The VLDB journal 29 (1), 419-458, 2020
Dynamic scene understanding for behavior analysis based on string kernels
L Brun, A Saggese, M Vento
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 24 (10), 1669 …, 2014
Two high speed color quantization algorithms
L Brun, M Mokhtari
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on color in graphics and …, 2000
Non-local image smoothing by applying anisotropic diffusion PDE's in the space of patches
D Tschumperlé, L Brun
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2957-2960, 2009
Contraction kernels and combinatorial maps
L Brun, W Kropatsch
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (8), 1051-1057, 2003
Graph edit distance contest: Results and future challenges
Z Abu-Aisheh, B Gaüzere, S Bougleux, JY Ramel, L Brun, R Raveaux, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 100, 96-103, 2017
Approximate graph edit distance guided by bipartite matching of bags of walks
B Gaüzère, S Bougleux, K Riesen, L Brun
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2014
Dual contraction of combinatorial maps
L Brun, WG Kropatsch
Workshop on Graph based representations, Austria, 145-154, 1999
Contains and inside relationships within combinatorial pyramids
L Brun, W Kropatsch
Pattern Recognition 39 (4), 515-526, 2006
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Articoli 1–20