Mauro Coletto
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Cited by
Science vs conspiracy: Collective narratives in the age of misinformation
A Bessi, M Coletto, GA Davidescu, A Scala, G Caldarelli, W Quattrociocchi
PloS one 10 (2), e0118093, 2015
Automatic controversy detection in social media: A content-independent motif-based approach
M Coletto, K Garimella, A Gionis, C Lucchese
Online Social Networks and Media 3, 22-31, 2017
Sentiment-enhanced Multidimensional Analysis of Online Social Networks: Perception of the Mediterranean Refugees Crisis
M Coletto, C Lucchese, CI Muntean, FM Nardini, A Esuli, C Renso, ...
SNAST Workshop on Social Network Analysis Surveillance Technologies, ASONAM …, 2016
A motif-based approach for identifying controversy
M Coletto, K Garimella, A Gionis, C Lucchese
Proceedings of the international AAAI conference on web and social media 11 …, 2017
Electoral Predictions with Twitter: a Machine-Learning approach
M Coletto, C Lucchese, S Orlando, R Perego
IIR 2015, Cagliari, Italy, 2015
Perception of social phenomena through the multidimensional analysis of online social networks
M Coletto, A Esuli, C Lucchese, CI Muntean, FM Nardini, R Perego, ...
Online Social Networks and Media 1, 14-32, 2017
Polarized User and Topic Tracking in Twitter
M Coletto, C Lucchese, S Orlando, R Perego
SIGIR 2016, Pisa, Italy, 2016
On the Behaviour of Deviant Communities in Online Social Networks
M Coletto, LM Aiello, C Lucchese, F Silvestri
ICWSM 2016, Köln, Germany, 2016
Pornography consumption in social media
M Coletto, LM Aiello, C Lucchese, F Silvestri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.08157, 2016
Do violent people smile: social media analysis of their profile pictures
M Coletto, C Lucchese, S Orlando
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1465-1468, 2018
Adult content consumption in online social networks
M Coletto, LM Aiello, C Lucchese, F Silvestri
Social Network Analysis and Mining 7, 1-21, 2017
Simple outlier labelling based on quantile regression, with application to the steelmaking process
R Bellio, M Coletto
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2015
Misinformation in the loop: the emergence of narratives in osn
A Bessi, M Coletto, GA Davidescu, A Scala, W Quattrociocchi
ITAIS 2014, Genova, Italy, 2014
Social–Spatiotemporal Analysis of Topical and Polarized Communities in Online Social Networks
M Coletto, C Lucchese
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2816-2831, 2018
Online Social Networks and Media
M Coletto, K Garimella, A Gionis, C Lucchese
Analysis of Polarized Communities in Online Social Networks
M Coletto
Scuola IMT Alti Studi di Lucca, 2017
La Sentiment Analysis per i Musei 2.0. Un approccio bottom-up per la conoscenza del pubblico
C Stefania, M Coletto
Museo Facile. Progetto sperimentale di comunicazione e accessibilità …, 2015
Application of network analysis to the trade routes of antiquities passing through the pontine islands
M Ritondale, G Caldarelli, M Coletto
CAA 2015, Siena, Italy, 2015
Twitter for election forecasts: a Joint Machine Learning and Complex Network approach applied to an Italian case study.
M Coletto, C Lucchese, S Orlando, R Perego, A Chessa, M Puliga
ISTI Technical reports, 2015
Electoral Predictions with Twitter: a Joint Machine Learning and Complex Network approach applied to an Italian case study
M Coletto, C Lucchese, S Orlando, R Perego, A Chessa, M Puliga
ICCSS 2015, Helsinki, Finland, 2015
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Articles 1–20