Lenka Lhotska
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Open access intrapartum CTG database
V Chudáček, J Spilka, M Burša, P Janků, L Hruban, M Huptych, L Lhotská
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 14, 1-12, 2014
Robot path planning using particle swarm optimization of Ferguson splines
M Saska, M Macas, L Preucil, L Lhotska
2006 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 833-839, 2006
Using nonlinear features for fetal heart rate classification
J Spilka, V Chudáček, M Koucký, L Lhotská, M Huptych, P Janků, ...
Biomedical signal processing and control 7 (4), 350-357, 2012
Agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram recordings between expert obstetricians
L Hruban, J Spilka, V Chudáček, P Janků, M Huptych, M Burša, A Hudec, ...
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 21 (4), 694-702, 2015
Investigating pH based evaluation of fetal heart rate (FHR) recordings
G Georgoulas, P Karvelis, J Spilka, V Chudáček, CD Stylios, L Lhotska
Health and technology 7, 241-254, 2017
Solutions to gender balance in STEM fields through support, training, education and mentoring: report of the international women in medical physics and biomedical engineering …
G Barabino, M Frize, F Ibrahim, E Kaldoudi, L Lhotska, L Marcu, M Stoeva, ...
Science and engineering ethics 26, 275-292, 2020
Analysis of obstetricians’ decision making on CTG recordings
J Spilka, V Chudáček, P Janků, L Hruban, M Burša, M Huptych, L Zach, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 51, 72-79, 2014
The impact of COVID‐19 pandemic on gender‐related work from home in STEM fields—Report of the WiMPBME Task Group
M Frize, L Lhotska, LG Marcu, M Stoeva, G Barabino, F Ibrahim, S Lim, ...
Gender, Work & Organization 28, 378-396, 2021
Automatic evaluation of intrapartum fetal heart rate recordings: a comprehensive analysis of useful features
V Chudáček, J Spilka, P Janků, M Koucký, L Lhotská, M Huptych
Physiological Measurement 32 (8), 1347, 2011
Data driven approach to ECG signal quality assessment using multistep SVM classification
J Kužílek, M Huptych, V Chudáček, J Spilka, L Lhotská
2011 Computing in Cardiology, 453-455, 2011
Twenty five years of training and education in ICT Design for All and Assistive Technology
G Whitney, S Keith, C Bühler, S Hewer, L Lhotska, K Miesenberger, ...
Technology and Disability 23 (3), 163-170, 2011
Multivariate analysis of full-term neonatal polysomnographic data
V Gerla, K Paul, L Lhotska, V Krajca
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 13 (1), 104-110, 2008
Seizure likelihood varies with day-to-day variations in sleep duration in patients with refractory focal epilepsy: A longitudinal electroencephalography investigation
KL Dell, DE Payne, V Kremen, MI Maturana, V Gerla, P Nejedly, ...
EClinicalMedicine 37, 2021
Automatic evaluation of FHR recordings from CTU-UHB CTG database
J Spilka, G Georgoulas, P Karvelis, VP Oikonomou, V Chudáček, ...
Information Technology in Bio-and Medical Informatics: 4th International …, 2013
Discriminating normal from “abnormal” pregnancy cases using an automated fhr evaluation method
J Spilka, G Georgoulas, P Karvelis, V Chudáček, CD Stylios, L Lhotská
Artificial Intelligence: Methods and Applications: 8th Hellenic Conference …, 2014
The biggest challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic on gender-related work from home in biomedical fields—world-wide qualitative survey analysis
E Bezak, KV Carson-Chahhoud, LG Marcu, M Stoeva, L Lhotska, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (5), 3109, 2022
A new approach to automated assessment of fractionation of endocardial electrograms during atrial fibrillation
V Křemen, L Lhotská, M Macaš, R Čihák, V Vančura, J Kautzner, ...
Physiological measurement 29 (12), 1371, 2008
Independent component analysis and decision trees for ECG holter recording de-noising
J Kuzilek, V Kremen, F Soucek, L Lhotska
PLoS One 9 (6), e98450, 2014
Automatic detection of sleep stages in neonatal EEG using the structural time profiles
V Krajca, S Petranek, K Paul, M Matousek, J Mohylova, L Lhotska
2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference, 6014-6016, 2006
Ensemble methods in combination with compartment models for blood glucose level prediction in type 1 diabetes mellitus
K Saiti, M Macaš, L Lhotská, K Štechová, P Pithová
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 196, 105628, 2020
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Articles 1–20