HDECAY: A Program for Higgs boson decays in the standard model and its supersymmetric extension A Djouadi, J Kalinowski, M Spira Computer Physics Communications 108 (1), 56-74, 1998 | 3250 | 1998 |
The anatomy of electroweak symmetry breaking Tome II: The Higgs bosons in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model A Djouadi Physics reports 459 (1-6), 1-241, 2008 | 3227 | 2008 |
Higgs boson production at the LHC M Spira, A Djouadi, D Graudenz, PM Zerwas Nuclear Physics B 453 (1-2), 17-82, 1995 | 2195 | 1995 |
Production of Higgs bosons in proton colliders. QCD corrections A Djouadi, M Spira, PM Zerwas Physics Letters B 264 (3-4), 440-446, 1991 | 1454 | 1991 |
NNLO QCD corrections to the Higgs-strahlung processes at hadron colliders O Brein, A Djouadi, R Harlander Physics Letters B 579 (1-2), 149-156, 2004 | 1366 | 2004 |
SuSpect: A Fortran code for the supersymmetric and Higgs particle spectrum in the MSSM A Djouadi, JL Kneur, G Moultaka Computer Physics Communications 176 (6), 426-455, 2007 | 1276 | 2007 |
The Snowmass points and slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY searches B Allanach, M Battaglia, GA Blair, M Carena, A Dedes, A Djouadi, ... The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 25 (1), 113-123, 2002 | 1157 | 2002 |
SUSY Les Houches accord: Interfacing SUSY spectrum calculators, decay packages, and event generators P Skands, BC Allanach, H Baer, C Balázs, G Bélanger, F Boudjema, ... Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (07), 036, 2004 | 1037 | 2004 |
Decays of supersymmetric particles: the program SUSY-HIT (SUspect-SdecaY-HDECAY-InTerface) A Djouadi, MM Muhlleitner, M Spira arXiv preprint hep-ph/0609292, 2006 | 975 | 2006 |
Physics with e+ e− linear colliders E Accomando, A Andreazza, H Anlauf, A Ballestrero, T Barklow, J Bartels, ... Physics Reports 299 (1), 1-78, 1998 | 698 | 1998 |
Implications of LHC searches for Higgs-portal dark matter A Djouadi, O Lebedev, Y Mambrini, J Quevillon Physics Letters B 709 (1-2), 65-69, 2012 | 687 | 2012 |
The measurement of the Higgs self-coupling at the LHC: theoretical status J Baglio, A Djouadi, R Gröber, MM Mühlleitner, J Quevillon, M Spira Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (4), 1-40, 2013 | 633 | 2013 |
The top quark and Higgs boson masses and the stability of the electroweak vacuum S Alekhin, A Djouadi, S Moch Physics Letters B 716 (1), 214-219, 2012 | 631 | 2012 |
SDECAY: A Fortran code for the decays of the supersymmetric particles in the MSSM M Mühlleitner, A Djouadi, Y Mambrini Computer physics communications 168 (1), 46-70, 2005 | 588 | 2005 |
Implications of a 125 GeV Higgs for supersymmetric models A Arbey, M Battaglia, A Djouadi, F Mahmoudi, J Quevillon Physics Letters B 708 (1-2), 162-169, 2012 | 517 | 2012 |
Physics and detectors at CLIC: CLIC conceptual design report L Linssen, A Miyamoto, M Stanitzki, H Weerts arXiv preprint arXiv:1202.5940, 2012 | 491 | 2012 |
Precise determination of the neutral Higgs boson masses in the MSSM BC Allanach, A Djouadi, JL Kneur, W Porod, P Slavich arXiv preprint hep-ph/0406166, 2004 | 481 | 2004 |
Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC G Weiglein, T Barklow, E Boos, A De Roeck, K Desch, F Gianotti, ... Physics Reports 426 (2-6), 47-358, 2006 | 474 | 2006 |
Higgs production at the LHC J Baglio, A Djouadi Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (3), 1-53, 2011 | 456 | 2011 |
Virtual very heavy top effects in LEP/SLC precision measurements A Djouadi, C Verzegnassi Physics Letters B 195 (2), 265-271, 1987 | 450 | 1987 |