Ryan Shaw
Cited by
Cited by
Lode: Linking open descriptions of events
R Shaw, R Troncy, L Hardman
The Semantic Web, 153-167, 2009
Method and system for personalized segmentation and indexing of media
P Shafton, DA Shamma, R Shaw, P Schmitz
US Patent App. 11/763,388, 2008
Watch what I watch: using community activity to understand content
DA Shamma, R Shaw, PL Shafton, Y Liu
Proceedings of the international workshop on Workshop on multimedia …, 2007
Identifying popular segments of media objects
R Shaw, PL Schmitz, PL Shafton, B Williams
US Patent 10,282,425, 2019
Big data and reality
R Shaw
Big Data & Society 2 (2), 2053951715608877, 2015
Community annotation and remix: a research platform and pilot deployment
R Shaw, P Schmitz
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Human-centered …, 2006
Making sense of the ways we make sense of the past: The PeriodO project
A Rabinowitz, R Shaw, S Buchanan, P Golden, E Kansa
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 59 (2), 42-55, 2016
Events and periods as concepts for organizing historical knowledge
RB Shaw
University of california, Berkeley, 2010
Toward emergent representations for video
R Shaw, M Davis
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2005
Method and system for media-based event generation
P Shafton, DA Shamma, R Shaw, P Schmitz
US Patent 9,542,394, 2017
A sharing-oriented design strategy for networked knowledge organization systems
R Shaw, A Rabinowitz, P Golden, E Kansa
International Journal on Digital Libraries 17, 49-61, 2016
Nanopublication beyond the sciences: the PeriodO period gazetteer
P Golden, R Shaw
PeerJ Computer Science 2, e44, 2016
Information organization and the philosophy of history
R Shaw
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64 (6 …, 2013
International remix: video editing for the web
P Schmitz, P Shafton, R Shaw, S Tripodi, B Williams, J Yang
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 797-798, 2006
Pluri, multi‐, trans‐meta‐and interdisciplinary nature of LIS. Does it really matter?
S Arafat, M Buckland, M Feinberg, F Ibekwe‐SanJuan, R Shaw, J Warner
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology …, 2014
The missing profession: toward institutions of critical technical practice
R Shaw
University of Borås, 2019
Gazetteers enriched: A conceptual basis for linking gazetteers with other kinds of information
R Shaw
Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers, 51-63, 2016
A semantic tool for historical events
R Shaw
Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation …, 2013
LODE: une ontologie pour représenter des événements dans le web de données
R Troncy, R Shaw, L Hardman
21es Journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC 2010), 2010
Event representation in temporal and geographic context
R Shaw, R Larson
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 415-418, 2008
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Articles 1–20