Chris Höhne
Chris Höhne
Senior Researcher @ Wuppertal Institute, previously Postdoc @ Freie Universität Berlin
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Cited by
Carbon Governance Arrangements and the Nation‐State: The Reconfiguration of Public Authority in Developing Countries
T Hickmann, H Fuhr, C Höhne, M Lederer, F Stehle
Public Administration and Development 37 (5), 331-343, 2017
Max Weber in the tropics: How global climate politics facilitates the bureaucratization of forestry in Indonesia
M Lederer, C Höhne
Regulation & Governance 15 (1), 133–151, 2021
Urban climate politics in emerging economies: a multi-level governance perspective
F Stehle, T Hickmann, M Lederer, C Höhne
Urbanisation 7 (1_suppl), S9-S25, 2022
The effects of transnational municipal networks on urban climate politics in the global south
F Stehle, C Höhne, T Hickmann, M Lederer
Urban climate politics: Agency and empowerment, 210-230, 2019
From ‘talking the talk’ to ‘walking the walk’?: Multi-level global governance of the Anthropocene in Indonesia
C Höhne
The anthropocene debate and political science, 124-145, 2018
REDD+ and the reconfiguration of public authority in the forest sector: A comparative case study of Indonesia and Brazil
C Höhne, H Fuhr, T Hickmann, M Lederer, F Stehle
Global forest governance and climate change: interrogating representation …, 2018
Translating the norm bundle of an international regime: states’ pledges on climate change around the 2015 Paris conference
C Höhne, C Kahmann, M Lohaus
Journal of International Relations and Development 26 (1), 185-213, 2023
Norm glocalization: United Nations’ climate change norms and India
C Höhne
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2022
Multilevel climate governance in Brazil and Indonesia. Domestic pioneership and leadership in the Global South
M Lederer, C Höhne, F Stehle, T Hickmann, H Fuhr
Climate Governance across the Globe. Pioneers, Leaders and Followers, 101-119, 2021
REDD+ and the State: New Forest Politics in Costa Rica, Vietnam and Indonesia?
M Lederer, C Höhne, G Navarro, G Siciliano, A Villalobos
Sociology 8 (2), 29-49, 2020
Continuity and Change in Norm Translations After the Paris Agreement: From First to Second Nationally Determined Contributions
C Höhne, C Kahmann, M Lohaus
Global Environmental Politics 24 (2), 69-97, 2024
Normübersetzung und quantitative Textanalyse: Methodenreflektion am Beispiel von globaler Klimapolitik
C Höhne, C Kahmann, M Lohaus
ZIB Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 30 (2), 200-212, 2023
Promises and pitfalls of polycentric federalism: the case of solar power in India
J Marquardt, S Dasgupta, C Höhne, M Lederer, P Sankhyayan
Global Environmental Politics 24 (3), 75-99, 2024
How Global Climate Governance Initiatives Reconfigure Public Authority in Developing Countries
H Fuhr, T Hickmann, C Höhne, M Lederer, F Stehle
Public Administration Review's Speak Your Mind, 15-17, 2017
Not a "Gift from God" - A first assessment of COP29 in Baku
W Obergassel, C Arens, C Beuermann, V Brandemann, C Elsner, ...
Wuppertal Institut: …, 2024
A Multi-Level Governance Perspective on Urban Climate Politics in Emerging Economies
F Stehle, T Hickmann, M Lederer, C Höhne
Urbanisation 7 (1_suppl), S9-S25, 2022
From Governance Experiments to Low-Carbon Transformations
H Fuhr, M Lederer, A Fünfgeld, J Marquardt, J Elsässer, T Hickmann, ...
Carbon Governance Arrangements and the Nation-State: The Reconfiguration of Public Authority in Developing Countries
H Fuhr, T Hickmann, C Höhne, M Lederer, F Stehle
Continuity and Change in Norm Translations after the Paris Agreement: From First to Second NDCs
C Höhne, C Kahmann, M Lohaus
Technical Appendix
C Höhne, C Kahmann, M Lohaus
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Articles 1–20