Simone De Liberato
Simone De Liberato
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Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter
A Frisk Kockum, A Miranowicz, S De Liberato, S Savasta, F Nori
Nature Reviews Physics 1 (1), 19-40, 2019
Sub-cycle switch-on of ultrastrong light–matter interaction
G Günter, AA Anappara, J Hees, A Sell, G Biasiol, L Sorba, S De Liberato, ...
Nature 458 (7235), 178-181, 2009
Ultrastrong Coupling of the Cyclotron Transition of a 2D Electron Gas to a THz Metamaterial
G Scalari, C Maissen, D Turčinková, D Hagenmüller, S De Liberato, ...
Science 335 (6074), 1323-1326, 2012
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime with polariton dots
Y Todorov, AM Andrews, R Colombelli, S De Liberato, C Ciuti, P Klang, ...
Physical review letters 105 (19), 196402, 2010
Signatures of the ultrastrong light-matter coupling regime
AA Anappara, S De Liberato, A Tredicucci, C Ciuti, G Biasiol, L Sorba, ...
Physical Review B 79 (20), 201303, 2009
Quantum Szilard Engine
SW Kim, T Sagawa, S De Liberato, M Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett 106, 070401, 2011
Fermionized photons in an array of driven dissipative nonlinear cavities
I Carusotto, D Gerace, HE Tureci, S De Liberato, C Ciuti, A Imamoǧlu
Physical review letters 103 (3), 033601, 2009
Quantum Vacuum Radiation Spectra from a Semiconductor Microcavity<? format?> with a Time-Modulated Vacuum Rabi Frequency
SD Liberato, C Ciuti, I Carusotto
Physical review letters 98 (10), 103602, 2007
Light-matter decoupling in the deep strong coupling regime: the breakdown of the Purcell effect
S De Liberato
Physical review letters 112 (1), 016401, 2014
Open quantum systems with local and collective incoherent processes: Efficient numerical simulations using permutational invariance
N Shammah, S Ahmed, N Lambert, S De Liberato, F Nori
Physical Review A 98 (6), 063815, 2018
Extracavity quantum vacuum radiation from a single qubit
S De Liberato, D Gerace, I Carusotto, C Ciuti
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (5), 053810, 2009
Breakdown of gauge invariance in ultrastrong-coupling cavity QED
D De Bernardis, P Pilar, T Jaako, S De Liberato, P Rabl
Physical Review A 98 (5), 053819, 2018
Ultrastrong coupling between a cavity resonator and the cyclotron transition of a two-dimensional electron gas in the case of an integer filling factor
D Hagenmüller, S De Liberato, C Ciuti
Physical Review B 81 (23), 235303, 2010
Excitonic spectral features in strongly coupled organic polaritons
JA Ćwik, P Kirton, S De Liberato, J Keeling
Physical Review A 93 (3), 033840, 2016
Virtual photons in the ground state of a dissipative system
S De Liberato
Nature communications 8 (1), 1465, 2017
Stimulated scattering and lasing of intersubband cavity polaritons
S De Liberato, C Ciuti
Physical Review Letters 102 (13), 136403, 2009
Ground state electroluminescence
M Cirio, S De Liberato, N Lambert, F Nori
Physical Review Letters 116 (11), 113601, 2016
Strong coupling of epsilon-near-zero phonon polaritons in polar dielectric heterostructures
NC Passler, CR Gubbin, TG Folland, I Razdolski, DS Katzer, DF Storm, ...
Nano letters 18 (7), 4285-4292, 2018
Strong and coherent coupling between localized and propagating phonon polaritons
CR Gubbin, F Martini, A Politi, SA Maier, S De Liberato
Physical review letters 116 (24), 246402, 2016
Resolution of superluminal signalling in non-perturbative cavity quantum electrodynamics
C Sánchez Muñoz, F Nori, S De Liberato
Nature communications 9 (1), 1924, 2018
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