William Forster
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Reflections on the 2010 AMR Decade Award: Whither the Promise? Moving Forward with Entrepreneurship As a Science of the Artificial
S Venkataraman, SD Sarasvathy, N Dew, WR Forster
Academy of management review 37 (1), 21-33, 2012
Beyond hubris: How highly confident entrepreneurs rebound to venture again
MLA Hayward, WR Forster, SD Sarasvathy, BL Fredrickson
Journal of Business venturing 25 (6), 569-578, 2010
CSR and stakeholder theory: A tale of Adam Smith
JA Brown, WR Forster
Journal of business ethics 112, 301-312, 2013
Team entrepreneurial passion: Its emergence and influence in new venture teams
MS Cardon, C Post, WR Forster
Academy of management review 42 (2), 283-305, 2017
Getting more out of team projects: Incentivizing leadership to enhance performance
CJ Ferrante, SG Green, WR Forster
Journal of Management Education 30 (6), 788-797, 2006
Promotion-and prevention-focused networking and its consequences for entrepreneurial success
JM Pollack, WR Forster, PD Johnson, A Coy, DC Molden
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (1), 3-12, 2015
Of narratives and artifacts
S Venkataraman, SD Sarasvathy, N Dew, WR Forster
Academy of Management Review 38 (1), 163-166, 2013
Co-creating new ventures: attraction, search, and uncertainty in founding partnership formation
W Forster, K Jansen
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 30 (10), 2, 2010
The ordinary entrepreneur
S Sarasvathy, A Ramesh, W Forster
The Routledge companion to entrepreneurship, 251-268, 2014
The effects of effectual logic: nascent entrepreneurial performance and effectuation (interactive paper)
W Forster, J York
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 28 (10), 4, 2008
The fork in the road for social enterprises: Leveraging moral imagination for long-term stakeholder support
JA Brown, WR Forster, AC Wicks
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (1), 91-112, 2023
When hubris is good: An error based theory of entrepreneurial overconfidence
WR Forster, SD Sarasvathy
Working paper, Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia …, 2007
Curry in a hurry? A longitudinal study on the acceleration of performance through effectuation by nascent entrepreneurs (Summary)
R Mauer, W Smit, W Forster, J York
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 30 (6), 13, 2010
From Goldilocks to Gump: Entrepreneurial mechanisms for everyday entrepreneurs
SD Sarasvathy, WR Forster, A Ramesh
Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas 9 (1), 189-220, 2020
Journal of business venturing
P Phan, D Dimov, W Forster, RK Mitchell, JE Mathieu, GT Lumpkin
In Search Of Research Excellence: Exemplars in Entrepreneurship, 192-209, 2011
The enduring partnership
W Forster
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 28 (11), 2008
From goldilocks to gump: A research agenda for entrepreneurial mechanisms design
WR Forster, A Ramesh
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 16996, 2013
When the second person enters the scene: intersubjective knowledge and perceived environmental uncertainty (summary)
W Forster, JG York
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 31 (4), 6, 2011
When a Second Person Enters the Scene: Of Founding Partnerships, Firm Creation and Profitability
WR Forster
University of Virginia, 2000
The determinants of the housing choices of military families: implications for military policy
WR Forster
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