Felix Köttig
Felix Köttig
TRUMPF Lasersystems for Semiconductor Manufacturing GmbH
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Cited by
Review of hybrid prognostics approaches for remaining useful life prediction of engineered systems, and an application to battery life prediction
L Liao, F Köttig
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 63 (1), 191-207, 2014
A hybrid framework combining data-driven and model-based methods for system remaining useful life prediction
L Liao, F Köttig
Applied Soft Computing 44, 191-199, 2016
High average power and single-cycle pulses from a mid-IR optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier
U Elu, M Baudisch, H Pires, F Tani, MH Frosz, F Köttig, A Ermolov, ...
Optica 4 (9), 1024-1029, 2017
Generation of microjoule pulses in the deep ultraviolet at megahertz repetition rates
F Köttig, F Tani, CM Biersach, JC Travers, PSJ Russell
Optica 4 (10), 1272-1276, 2017
Effect of anti-crossings with cladding resonances on ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers
F Tani, F Köttig, D Novoa, R Keding, PSJ Russell
Photonics Research 6 (2), 84-88, 2018
Mid-infrared dispersive wave generation in gas-filled photonic crystal fibre by transient ionization-driven changes in dispersion
F Köttig, D Novoa, F Tani, MC Günendi, M Cassataro, JC Travers, ...
Nature Communications 8, 813, 2017
Sub-two-cycle octave-spanning mid-infrared fiber laser
J Huang, M Pang, X Jiang, F Köttig, D Schade, W He, M Butryn, ...
Optica 7 (6), 574-579, 2020
Efficient single-cycle pulse compression of an ytterbium fiber laser at 10 MHz repetition rate
F Köttig, D Schade, JR Koehler, PSJ Russell, F Tani
Optics Express 28 (7), 9099-9110, 2020
An advanced algorithm for dispersion encoded full range frequency domain optical coherence tomography
F Köttig, P Cimalla, M Gärtner, E Koch
Optics Express 20 (22), 24925-24948, 2012
Scaling rules for high quality soliton self-compression in hollow-core fibers
D Schade, F Köttig, JR Koehler, MH Frosz, PSJ Russell, F Tani
Optics Express 29 (12), 19147-19158, 2021
Long-lived refractive-index changes induced by femtosecond ionization in gas-filled single-ring photonic-crystal fibers
JR Koehler, F Köttig, BM Trabold, F Tani, PSJ Russell
Physical Review Applied 10 (6), 064020, 2018
PHz-Wide Spectral Interference Through Coherent Plasma-Induced Fission of Higher-Order Solitons
F Köttig, F Tani, JC Travers, PSJ Russell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (26), 263902, 2017
Broadband electric-field-induced LP01 and LP02 second harmonic generation in Xe-filled hollow-core PCF
JM Ménard, F Köttig, P St. J. Russell
Optics Letters 41 (16), 3795-3798, 2016
Carrier-envelope-phase-stable soliton-based pulse compression to 4.4 fs and ultraviolet generation at the 800 kHz repetition rate
A Ermolov, C Heide, P Dienstbier, F Köttig, F Tani, P Hommelhoff, ...
Optics letters 44 (20), 5005-5008, 2019
Post-recombination effects in confined gases photoionized at megahertz repetition rates
JR Koehler, F Köttig, D Schade, PSJ Russell, F Tani
Optics Express 29 (4), 4842-4857, 2021
High average-power and energy deep-ultraviolet femtosecond pulse source driven by 10 MHz fibre-laser
F Köttig, F Tani, P Uebel, PSJ Russell, JC Travers
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, PD_A_7, 2015
Modulational-instability-free pulse compression in anti-resonant hollow-core photonic crystal fiber
F Köttig, F Tani, PSJ Russell
Optics Letters 45 (14), 4044-4047, 2020
Towards 45 watt single-cycle pulses from Yb: YAG thin-disk oscillators
G Barbiero, RN Ahmad, H Wang, F Köttig, D Novoa, F Tani, J Brons, ...
2019 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum …, 2019
Pump-probe study of plasma dynamics in gas-filled photonic crystal fiber using counterpropagating solitons
MI Suresh, F Köttig, JR Koehler, F Tani, PSJ Russell
Physical Review Applied 12 (6), 064015, 2019
Extremely broadband single-shot cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating using a transient grating as gate and dispersive element
H Valtna-Lukner, F Belli, A Ermolov, F Köttig, KF Mak, F Tani, JC Travers, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 88 (7), 2017
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Articles 1–20