Vladimir Ponizovskiy
Vladimir Ponizovskiy
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Cited by
Cultural mismatch and the education of Aboriginal youths: The interplay of cultural identities and teacher ratings.
SA Fryberg, W Troop-Gordon, A D'Arrisso, H Flores, V Ponizovskiy, ...
Developmental psychology 49 (1), 72, 2013
Development and validation of the personal values dictionary: A theory–driven tool for investigating references to basic human values in text
V Ponizovskiy, M Ardag, L Grigoryan, R Boyd, H Dobewall, P Holtz
European Journal of Personality 34 (5), 885-902, 2020
Social construction of the value–behavior relation
V Ponizovskiy, L Grigoryan, U Kühnen, K Boehnke
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 934, 2019
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
M Vlasceanu, KC Doell, JB Bak-Coleman, B Todorova, ...
Science advances 10 (6), eadj5778, 2024
The three facets of national identity: Identity dynamics and attitudes toward immigrants in Russia
LK Grigoryan, V Ponizovskiy
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59 (5-6), 403-427, 2018
Values and Attitudes towards Immigrants: Cross-Cultural Differences across 25 Countries
V Ponizovskiy
Psychology 13 (2), 256-272, 2016
‘Friends and grades’: Peer preference and attachment predict academic success among Naskapi youth
JA Burack, A D’Arrisso, V Ponizovsky, W Troop-Gordon, T Mandour, ...
School psychology international 34 (4), 371-386, 2013
Developmental perspectives on the role of cultural identity in well-being: evidence from Aboriginal communities in Canada
JA Burack, A Bombay, H Flores, J Stewart, V Ponizovsky
Cultural and contextual perspectives on developmental risk and well-being …, 2014
Sticking to common values: Neighbourhood social cohesion moderates the effect of value congruence on life satisfaction
V Ponizovskiy, R Arant, M Larsen, K Boehnke
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 30 (5), 530-546, 2020
Confounding culture: drinking, country food sharing, and traditional knowledge networks in a Labrador Inuit community
J Moses, B Khan, GR Gauthier, V Ponizovsky, K Dombrowski
Human Organization 76 (2), 171-183, 2017
Why is right-wing media consumption associated with lower compliance with COVID-19 measures?
V Ponizovskiy, L Grigoryan, W Hofmann
Journal of Media Psychology, 2022
On Sanders, Trump, and rhinoceroses: Quantifying subjective construals helps predict political attitudes
V Ponizovskiy
British Journal of Social Psychology, 2021
Сравнительный анализ политики мультикультурализма в Канаде, странах Европы и России
ВА Понизовский, ДУ Берри
Общественные науки и современность, 120-131, 2017
Monitoring social values in online media articles on child vaccinations
M Scharfbillig, V Ponizovskiy, Z Pasztor, J Keimer, G Tirone
Technical Report KJ-NA-31-324-EN-N, European Commission’s Joint Research …, 2022
Guilt, shame, and antiwar action in an authoritarian country at war
L Grigoryan, V Ponizovskiy, MI Weißflog, E Osin, B Lickel
Political Psychology, 2024
Motivations for violent extremism: Evidence from lone offenders’ manifestos
L Grigoryan, V Ponizovskiy, S Schwartz
Journal of Social Issues 79 (4), 1440-1455, 2023
Predictors of COVID-19 health behavior: A scoping review of causal research
V Ponizovskiy, S Grelle, J Oettinghaus, W Hofmann
OSF, 2022
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
H Carvacho, S D'Ottone, B Hadar, UJJ Hahnel, E Halperin, AJ Harvey, ...
Value-Instantiating Beliefs
V Ponizovskiy
Universität Bremen, 2021
Value-Instantiating Beliefs: A Practical Substitute for Meaning
V Ponizovskiy
PsyArXiv, 2020
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Articles 1–20