Theory of didactical situations in mathematics: didactique des mathématiques (1970-1990) G Brousseau, N Balacheff, M Cooper, R Sutherland, V Warfield Kluwer academic publishers, 1997 | 4901* | 1997 |
Théorie des situations didactiques: Didactique des mathématiques 1970-1990 G Brousseau, N Balacheff, M Cooper, R Sutherland, V Warfield La pensée sauvage, 1998 | 1290 | 1998 |
Processus de preuve et situations de validation (Proving Processes and Situations for Validation) N Balacheff Educational studies in mathematics, 147-176, 1987 | 836 | 1987 |
Aspects of proof in pupils’ practice of school mathematics N Balacheff Mathematics, teachers and children 216, 235, 1988 | 796 | 1988 |
One-to-one technology-enhanced learning: An opportunity for global research collaboration TW Chan, J Roschelle, S Hsi, KINSHUK, M Sharples, T Brown, C Patton, ... Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 1 (01), 3-29, 2006 | 744 | 2006 |
Computer-based learning environments in mathematics N Balacheff, JJ Kaput International Handbook of Mathematics Education: Part 1, 469-501, 1996 | 509 | 1996 |
The benefits and limits of social interaction: The case of mathematical proof N Balacheff Mathematical knowledge: Its growth through teaching, 173-192, 1991 | 287 | 1991 |
Procesos de prueba en los alumnos de matemáticas N Balacheff una empressa docente, 2000 | 269 | 2000 |
Didactique et intelligence artificielle N Balacheff Recherches en didactique des mathématiques 14, 9-42, 1994 | 254 | 1994 |
Une étude des processus de preuve en mathématique chez des élèves de collège N Balacheff Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG; Université Joseph-Fourier …, 1988 | 243 | 1988 |
Towards a problématique for research on mathematics teaching N Balacheff Journal for research in Mathematics Education 21 (4), 258-272, 1990 | 242 | 1990 |
La transposition informatique, un nouveau problème pour la didactique N Balacheff colloque" Vingt ans de didactique des mathé matiques en France", 15-17 juin …, 1993 | 200 | 1993 |
Preuve et démonstration en mathématiques au collège N Balacheff Recherches en didactique des mathématiques 3 (3), 261-304, 1982 | 196 | 1982 |
Conception, connaissance et concept N Balacheff Séminaire de l'équipe DidaTech, IMAG, 219-244, 1995 | 186 | 1995 |
Treatment of refutations: Aspects of the complexity of a constructivist approach to mathematics learning N Balacheff Radical constructivism in mathematics education, 89-110, 1991 | 180 | 1991 |
Technology-enhanced learning N Balacheff, S Ludvigsen, T De Jong, A Lazonder, SA Barnes, ... Springer, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
Artificial intelligence and real teaching N Balacheff Learning from computers: Mathematics education and technology, 131-158, 1993 | 158 | 1993 |
cK¢ Modèle de connaissances pour le calcul de situations didactiques N Balacheff, C Margolinas XII° école d'été de didactique des mathématiques, 1-32, 2003 | 141 | 2003 |
Didactical complexity of computational environments for the learning of mathematics R Sutherland, N Balacheff International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning 4, 1-26, 1999 | 141 | 1999 |
Teacher's role and reproducibility of didactical situations G Arsac, N Balacheff, M Mante Educational studies in mathematics 23, 5-29, 1992 | 137 | 1992 |