Juan Fernando Balarezo Serrano
Juan Fernando Balarezo Serrano
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Cited by
Machine learning in network anomaly detection: A survey
S Wang, JF Balarezo, S Kandeepan, A Al-Hourani, KG Chavez, ...
IEEE Access 9, 152379-152396, 2021
A survey on DoS/DDoS attacks mathematical modelling for traditional, SDN and virtual networks
JF Balarezo, S Wang, KG Chavez, A Al-Hourani, S Kandeepan
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 31, 101065, 2022
Detecting flooding DDoS attacks in software defined networks using supervised learning techniques
S Wang, JF Balarezo, KG Chavez, A Al-Hourani, S Kandeepan, ...
Engineering science and technology, an international journal 35, 101176, 2022
Low-rate TCP DDoS attack model in the southbound channel of software defined networks
JF Balarezo, S Wang, KG Chavez, A Al-Hourani, J Fu, ...
2020 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication …, 2020
Dynamics of botnet propagation in software defined networks using epidemic models
JF Balarezo, S Wang, KG Chavez, A Al-Hourani, S Kandeepan
IEEE Access 9, 119406-119417, 2021
Artículo Científico-Configuración y análisis del sistema de transmisión y recepción del Picosatélite Cubesat kit
JF Balarezo Serrano
Luca Cattani
M Adrat, N Airee, A Al-Hourani, RYL AL-Taai, MM Alam, JLA Alarcón, ...
Configuración y análisis del sistema de transmisión y recepción de texto plano a través del Picosatélite CubeSat Kit y el MHX2420 SL
JFB Serrano
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–8