Mihaly Fazekas
Cited by
Cited by
From Corruption to State Capture: A New Analytical Framework with Empirical Applications from Hungary
M Fazekas, IJ Tóth
Political Research Quarterly 69 (2), 320-334, 2016
An objective corruption risk index using public procurement data
M Fazekas, IJ Tóth, LP King
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 22, 369-397, 2016
Careers, connections, and corruption risks: Investigating the impact of bureaucratic meritocracy on public procurement processes
N Charron, C Dahlström, M Fazekas, V Lapuente
The Journal of Politics 79 (1), 89-104, 2017
Are emerging technologies helping win the fight against corruption? A review of the state of evidence
I Adam, M Fazekas
Information Economics and Policy 57, 100950, 2021
Uncovering high-level corruption: cross-national objective corruption risk indicators using public procurement data
M Fazekas, G Kocsis
British Journal of Political Science 50 (1), 155-164, 2020
Lights on the shadows of public procurement: Transparency as an antidote to corruption
M Bauhr, Á Czibik, J de Fine Licht, M Fazekas
Governance 33 (3), 495-523, 2020
Grand corruption and government change: an analysis of partisan favoritism in public procurement
E Dávid-Barrett, M Fazekas
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 26 (4), 411-430, 2020
Exploring the complex interaction between governance and knowledge in education
M Fazekas, T Burns
OECD, 2012
Are emerging technologies helping win the fight against corruption in developing countries
I Adam, M Fazekas
Pathways for Prosperity Commission Background Paper Series 21, 1-34, 2018
Are EU funds a corruption risk? The impact of EU funds on grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe
M Fazekas, J Chvalkovska, J Skuhrovec, IJ Tóth, LP King
The anticorruption frontline. The ANTICORRP project 2, 68-89, 2013
Political competition and public procurement outcomes
R Broms, C Dahlström, M Fazekas
Comparative Political Studies 52 (9), 1259-1292, 2019
The effect of rapid privatisation on mortality in mono-industrial towns in post-Soviet Russia: a retrospective cohort study
A Azarova, D Irdam, A Gugushvili, M Fazekas, G Scheiring, P Horvat, ...
The Lancet Public Health 2 (5), e231-e238, 2017
Corruption risk in contracting markets: a network science perspective
J Wachs, M Fazekas, J Kertész
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics 12, 45-60, 2021
Anti-corruption in aid-funded procurement: Is corruption reduced or merely displaced?
E Dávid-Barrett, M Fazekas
World development 132, 105000, 2020
Anatomy of grand corruption: A composite corruption risk index based on objective data
M Fazekas, IJ Tóth, LP King
Corruption Research Center Budapest Working Papers No. CRCB-WP/2013 2, 2013
OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training A Skills beyond School Review of Switzerland
F Mihaly, F Simon
OECD Publishing, 2013
Perils of development funding? The tale of EU Funds and grand corruption in Central and Eastern Europe
M Fazekas, LP King
Regulation & Governance 13 (3), 405-430, 2019
The extent and cost of corruption in transport infrastructure. New evidence from Europe
M Fazekas, B Tóth
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 113, 35-54, 2018
School Funding Formulas. Review of main characteristics and impacts
M Fazekas
OECD Education Working Papers No. 74, 2012
6. Hidden Depths. The Case of Hungary
M Fazekas, LP King, IJ Tóth
Controlling Corruption in Europe: The Anticorruption Report, volume 1 1, 74, 2013
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Articles 1–20