Eugenio Regazzini
Eugenio Regazzini
Dipartimento di Matematica, università di pavia
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Distributional results for means of normalized random measures with independent increments
E Regazzini, A Lijoi, I Prünster
The Annals of Statistics 31 (2), 560-585, 2003
Distribution functions of means of a Dirichlet process
DM Cifarelli, E Regazzini
The Annals of Statistics, 429-442, 1990
De Finetti's coherence and statistical inference
E Regazzini
The Annals of Statistics, 845-864, 1987
Finitely additive conditional probabilities
E Regazzini
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano 55, 69-89, 1985
De Finetti's contribution to probability and statistics
DM Cifarelli, E Regazzini
Statistical Science, 253-282, 1996
On minimum Kantorovich distance estimators
F Bassetti, A Bodini, E Regazzini
Statistics & probability letters 76 (12), 1298-1302, 2006
Problemi statistici non parametrici in condizioni di scambiabilità parziale impiego di medie associative
DM Cifarelli, E Regazzini
Istituto di Matematica Finanziaria dell'Università di Torino, 1978
Exchangeability, predictive distributions and parametric models
S Fortini, L Ladelli, E Regazzini
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series A, 86-109, 2000
Theory and numerical analysis for exact distributions of functionals of a Dirichlet process
E Regazzini, A Guglielmi, G Di Nunno
The Annals of Statistics 30 (5), 1376-1411, 2002
Means of a Dirichlet process and multiple hypergeometric functions
A Lijoi, E Regazzini
On the asymptotic distribution of a general measure of monotone dependence
DM Cifarelli, PL Conti, E Regazzini
The Annals of Statistics 24 (3), 1386-1399, 1996
On a general definition of concentration function
DM Cifarelli, E Regazzini
Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, 307-319, 1987
Reaching the best possible rate of convergence to equilibrium for solutions of Kac’s equation via central limit theorem
E Dolera, E Gabetta, E Regazzini
Nonparametric statistical problems under partial exchangeability: The use of associative means
DM Cifarelli, E Regazzini
Annali del’Instituto di Matematica Finianziara dell’Universita di Torino …, 1978
Intorno ad alcune questioni relative alla definizione del premio secondo la teoria della credibilita'
E Regazzini
Giornale dell'Istituto Italiano degli Attuari 41, 77-89, 1978
Polyandry Is a Common Event in Wild Populations of the Tsetse Fly Glossina fuscipes fuscipes and May Impact Population Reduction Measures
A Bonomi, F Bassetti, P Gabrieli, J Beadell, M Falchetto, F Scolari, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 5 (6), e1190, 2011
Coherent statistical inference and Bayes theorem
P Berti, E Regazzini, P Rigo
The Annals of Statistics, 366-381, 1991
Well calibrated, coherent forecasting systems
P Berti, E Regazzini, P Rigo
Theory of Probability & Its Applications 42 (1), 82-102, 1998
On mixtures of distributions of Markov chains
S Fortini, L Ladelli, G Petris, E Regazzini
Stochastic processes and their applications 100 (1-2), 147-165, 2002
The role of the central limit theorem in discovering sharp rates of convergence to equilibrium for the solution of the Kac equation
E Dolera, E Regazzini
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20