Anastasia Gouseti
Cited by
Cited by
Web 2.0 and education: not just another case of hype, hope and disappointment?
A Gouseti
Learning, Media and Technology 35 (3), 351-356, 2010
Exploring doctoral students’ use of digital technologies: what do they use them for and why?
A Gouseti
Educational Review 69 (5), 638-654, 2017
School and Web 2.0: a critical perspective
N Selwyn, A Gouseti
Educatio Siglo XXI 27 (2), 147-165, 2009
Exploring teachers’ perceptions of critical digital literacies and how these are manifested in their teaching practices
A Gouseti, M Lakkala, J Raffaghelli, M Ranieri, A Roffi, L Ilomäki
Educational Review, 1-35, 2023
‘Old Wine in Even Newer Bottles’: the uneasy relationship between web 2.0 technologies and European school collaboration
A Gouseti
European Journal of Education 48 (4), 570-585, 2013
Higher education in the Greece
A Kyriazis, F Asderaki
(No Title), 2008
‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education
A Gouseti
Review of Education 9 (3), e3305, 2021
An overview of web-based school collaboration: a history of success or failure?
A Gouseti
Cambridge Journal of Education 43 (3), 377-390, 2013
Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators
A Gouseti, I Bruni, L Ilomäki, M Lakkala, D Mundy, J Raffaghelli, M Ranieri, ...
Critical digital literacies at school level: A systematic review
L Ilomäki, M Lakkala, V Kallunki, D Mundy, M Romero, T Romeu, ...
Review of Education 11 (3), e3425, 2023
Development of cross-curricular key skills using a 3D immersive learning environment in schools
D Abbott, S Jeffrey, A Gouseti, K Burden, M Maxwell
Immersive Learning Research Network: Third International Conference, iLRN …, 2017
A comparative investigation of the use of digital technologies to facilitate school collaboration within the framework of the eTwinning programme
A Gouseti
Institute of Education, University of London, 2012
Digital technologies for school collaboration
A Gouseti
Springer, 2014
Assessing the impact and sustainability of networks stimulated and supported by the NCETM
A Gouseti, J Potter, N Selwyn
London: London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, 2011
Adopting the use of a legacy digital artefact in formal educational settings: opportunities and challenges
A Gouseti, D Abbott, K Burden, S Jeffrey
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 29 (5), 613-629, 2020
Schools’ perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries-DETECT project report 2.
A Gouseti, I Bruni, L Ilomäki, M Lakkala, D Mundy, J Raffaghelli, M Ranieri, ...
Zenodo, 2021
Online communication and collaboration: a reader
A Gouseti
Evaluation & Research in Education 24 (2), 159-160, 2011
Critical Digital Literacies framework for educators—DETECT project report 1. Zenodo
A Gouseti, I Bruni, L Ilomäki, M Lakkala, D Mundy, JE Raffaghelli, ...
Digital Technologies in Education: New Tools for New Times?
A Gouseti
Digital Technologies for School Collaboration, 27-57, 2014
Web 2.0 for schools: learning and social participation
A Gouseti
Taylor & Francis Group 23 (1), 72-74, 2010
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Articles 1–20