Carlo Migliardo
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Citata da
An empirical study of the impact of corruption on environmental performance: Evidence from panel data
M Lisciandra, C Migliardo
Environmental and resource economics 68, 297-318, 2017
Ownership structure and bank performance in EU-15 countries
C Migliardo, AF Forgione
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 18 (3 …, 2018
Forecasting distress in cooperative banks: The role of asset quality
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
International Journal of Forecasting 34 (4), 678-695, 2018
CSR engagement and market structure: Evidence from listed banks
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Finance Research Letters 35, 101592, 2020
Monetary policy transmission in Italy: A BVAR analysis with sign restriction
C Migliardo
Czech Economic Review 4 (02), 139-167, 2010
Spatial dependence in the technical efficiency of local banks
C Algeri, L Anselin, AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Papers in Regional Science 101 (3), 685-716, 2022
Disrupting regional efficiency gaps via Industry 4.0 firm investments
AF Forgione, M Carlo
Industry and Innovation, 1-24, 2022
Panel VAR study on the effects of technical efficiency, market competition, and firm value on environmental performance
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022
An empirical analysis of the impact of trade credit on bank debt restructuring
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Economia Politica 36, 415-438, 2019
Mafia risk perception: Evaluating the effect of organized crime on firm technical efficiency and investment proclivity
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 40, 2023
Mid-Sized Italian manufacturing firms: a panel data analysis on profitability
C Migliardo, D Schiliro
Spatial dependence in the non-performing loans of small Italian cooperative banks
C Algeri, AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Regional Studies 57 (11), 2177-2191, 2023
Heterogeneity in price setting behavior, spatial disparities and sectoral diversity: Evidence from a panel of Italian firms
C Migliardo
Economic Modelling 29 (4), 1106-1118, 2012
Extra profits in the healthcare factoring industry: Evidence from panel data analysis
C Migliardo, A Forgione
Economics Bulletin 35 (1), 322-337, 2015
The inefficiency of exporting SMEs: evidence from manufacturing industry
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2022
Do spatial dependence and market power matter in the diversification of cooperative banks?
C Algeri, AF Forgione, C Migliardo
Economic Notes, 2022
Aree naturali protette e strumenti di analisi per la pianificazione degli investimenti
F Carlucci, A Cirà, C Migliardo
Scienze Regionali, 2012
Examining the Network Effects in Bank Risk: Evidence from Liquidity Creation in Mutual Banks
C Algeri, AF Forgione, C Migliardo
International Conference on Risk Analysis, 1-15, 2023
The drivers of energy efficiency investments: the role of job flexibility
A Fabio Forgione, C Migliardo
Energy Efficiency 12 (5), 1203-1217, 2019
A two–stage dea application to italian debt collection industry
AF Forgione, C Migliardo
INVENIS 6, 175-183, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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