Giorgio Presti
Giorgio Presti
Assistant Professor / Researcher, Università degli Studi di Milano
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WatchOut: Obstacle sonification for people with visual impairment or blindness
G Presti, D Ahmetovic, M Ducci, C Bernareggi, L Ludovico, A Baratè, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2019
Sonification of rotation instructions to support navigation of people with visual impairment
D Ahmetovic, F Avanzini, A Baratè, C Bernareggi, G Galimberti, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2019
The sonification space: A reference system for sonification tasks
LA Ludovico, G Presti
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 85, 72-77, 2016
What’s in a meow? A study on human classification and interpretation of domestic cat vocalizations
E Prato-Previde, S Cannas, C Palestrini, S Ingraffia, M Battini, ...
Animals 10 (12), 2390, 2020
Automatic classification of cat vocalizations emitted in different contexts
S Ntalampiras, LA Ludovico, G Presti, E Prato Previde, M Battini, ...
Animals 9 (8), 543, 2019
Sonification of pathways for people with visual impairments
D Ahmetovic, F Avanzini, A Baratè, C Bernareggi, G Galimberti, ...
Proceedings of the 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2018
Iterative design of sonification techniques to support people with visual impairments in obstacle avoidance
G Presti, D Ahmetovic, M Ducci, C Bernareggi, LA Ludovico, A Baratè, ...
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 14 (4), 1-27, 2021
A sonification of the zCOSMOS galaxy dataset
S Bardelli, C Ferretti, LA Ludovico, G Presti, M Rinaldi
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 171-188, 2021
CatMeows: A publicly-available dataset of cat vocalizations
LA Ludovico, S Ntalampiras, G Presti, S Cannas, M Battini, S Mattiello
International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 230-243, 2021
Sonification of navigation instructions for people with visual impairment
D Ahmetovic, F Avanzini, A Baratè, C Bernareggi, M Ciardullo, ...
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 177, 103057, 2023
Pitch as the main determiner of Italian lexical stress perception across the lifespan: Evidence from typical development and dyslexia
M Caccia, G Presti, A Toraldo, A Radaelli, LA Ludovico, A Ogliari, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1458, 2019
Continuous Brightness Estimation (CoBE): Implementation and its Possible Applications
G Presti, DA Mauro
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Computer Music …, 2013
Automatic parameters tuning of late reverberation algorithms for audio augmented reality
R Bona, D Fantini, G Presti, M Tiraboschi, JI Engel Alonso-Martinez, ...
Proceedings of the 17th International Audio Mostly Conference, 36-43, 2022
Phonharp: a hybrid digital-physical musical instrument for mobile phones exploiting the vocal tract
G Presti, D Adriano, F Avanzini, A Baratè, LA Ludovico
Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference, 276-279, 2021
Enhancing screen reader intelligibility in noisy environments
D Ahmetovic, G Galimberti, F Avanzini, C Bernareggi, LA Ludovico, ...
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 53 (4), 771-780, 2023
A sonification of the zCOSMOS galaxy dataset
S Bardelli, C Ferretti, LA Ludovico, G Presti, M Rinaldi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.05539, 2022
HRTF individualization based on anthropometric measurements extracted from 3D head meshes
D Fantini, F Avanzini, S Ntalampiras, G Presti
2021 Immersive and 3D Audio: from Architecture to Automotive (I3DA), 1-10, 2021
TRAP: Transient Presence detection exploiting Continuous Brightness Estimation (CoBE)
G Presti, DA Mauro, G Haus
Proc. of the 12th Int. Conference on Sound and Music Computing (SMC-15 …, 2015
Evaluating the Accessibility of Digital Audio Workstations for Blind or Visually Impaired People
G Pedrini, LA Ludovico, G Presti
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2020
A proposal for the interactive sonification of the human face
D Bonafede, LA Ludovico, G Presti
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer-Human …, 2018
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20