James David Wilson
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An overview and perspective on social network monitoring
WH Woodall, MJ Zhao, K Paynabar, R Sparks, JD Wilson
IISE Transactions 49 (3), 354-365, 2017
Modeling and detecting change in temporal networks via the degree corrected stochastic block model
JD Wilson, NT Stevens, WH Woodall
Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2019
Community extraction in multilayer networks with heterogeneous community structure
JD Wilson, J Palowitch, S Bhamidi, AB Nobel
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (149), 1-49, 2017
A testing based extraction algorithm for identifying significant communities in networks
JD Wilson, S Wang, PJ Mucha, S Bhamidi, AB Nobel
Stochastic weighted graphs: Flexible model specification and simulation
JD Wilson, MJ Denny, S Bhamidi, SJ Cranmer, BA Desmarais
Social Networks 49, 37-47, 2017
Statistical methods for network surveillance
DR Jeske, NT Stevens, AG Tartakovsky, JD Wilson
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 34 (4), 425-445, 2018
Nonparametric feature impact and importance
T Parr, J Hamrick, JD Wilson
Information Sciences 653, 119563, 2024
Varying-coefficient models for dynamic networks
J Lee, G Li, JD Wilson
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 152, 107052, 2020
Monitoring communication outbreaks among an unknown team of actors in dynamic networks
R Sparks, JD Wilson
Journal of Quality Technology 51 (4), 353-374, 2019
Statistical modeling of the default mode brain network reveals a segregated highway structure
PE Stillman, JD Wilson, MJ Denny, BA Desmarais, S Bhamidi, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11694, 2017
Analysis of population functional connectivity data via multilayer network embeddings
JD Wilson, M Baybay, R Sankar, P Stillman, AM Popa
Network Science 9 (1), 99-122, 2021
Monitoring dynamic networks: A simulation‐based strategy for comparing monitoring methods and a comparative study
L Yu, IM Zwetsloot, NT Stevens, JD Wilson, KL Tsui
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 38 (3), 1226-1250, 2022
Network analysis reveals sex-and antibiotic resistance-associated antivirulence targets in clinical uropathogens
KS Parker, JD Wilson, J Marschall, PJ Mucha, JP Henderson
ACS infectious diseases 1 (11), 523-532, 2015
Topic supervised non-negative matrix factorization
K MacMillan, JD Wilson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.05084, 2017
Partial dependence through stratification
T Parr, JD Wilson
Machine Learning with Applications 6, 100146, 2021
Sleep abnormalities in different clinical stages of psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Bagautdinova, A Mayeli, JD Wilson, FL Donati, RM Colacot, N Meyer, ...
JAMA psychiatry 80 (3), 202-210, 2023
Sleep spindle alterations relate to working memory deficits in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis
A Mayeli, JD Wilson, FL Donati, AD LaGoy, F Ferrarelli
Sleep 45 (11), zsac193, 2022
El Niño detection via unsupervised clustering of Argo temperature profiles
IA Houghton, JD Wilson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (9), e2019JC015947, 2020
Childhood peer network characteristics: genetic influences and links with early mental health trajectories.
E Szekely, I Pappa, JD Wilson, S Bhamidi, V Jaddoe, HT Verhulst, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, DOI:10.1111/jcpp.12493, 2015
Shared and distinct abnormalities in sleep-wake patterns and their relationship with the negative symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorder patients
A Mayeli, AD LaGoy, SF Smagula, JD Wilson, C Zarbo, M Rocchetti, ...
Molecular Psychiatry 28 (5), 2049-2057, 2023
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