giovanna battipaglia
giovanna battipaglia
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Cited by
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2
AP Walker, MG De Kauwe, A Bastos, S Belmecheri, K Georgiou, ...
New phytologist 229 (5), 2413-2445, 2021
Elevated CO2 increases tree‐level intrinsic water use efficiency: insights from carbon and oxygen isotope analyses in tree rings across three forest FACE sites
G Battipaglia, M Saurer, P Cherubini, C Calfapietra, HR McCarthy, ...
New Phytologist 197 (2), 544-554, 2013
Feedback interactions between needle litter decomposition and rhizosphere activity
JA Subke, V Hahn, G Battipaglia, S Linder, N Buchmann, MF Cotrufo
Oecologia 139, 551-559, 2004
Seasonal transfer of oxygen isotopes from precipitation and soil to the tree ring: source water versus needle water enrichment
K Treydte, S Boda, E Graf Pannatier, P Fonti, D Frank, B Ullrich, M Saurer, ...
New Phytologist 202 (3), 772-783, 2014
Intra-annual density fluctuations in tree rings: how, when, where, and why?
V De Micco, F Campelo, M De Luis, A Bräuning, M Grabner, G Battipaglia, ...
IAWA Journal 37 (2), 232-259, 2016
Variations of vessel diameter and δ13C in false rings of Arbutus unedo L. reflect different environmental conditions
G Battipaglia, V De Micco, WA Brand, P Linke, G Aronne, M Saurer, ...
New Phytologist 188 (4), 1099-1112, 2010
Tree rings indicate different drought resistance of a native (Abies alba Mill.) and a nonnative (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) species co-occurring at a dry site in Southern Italy
G Battipaglia, M Saurer, P Cherubini, RTW Siegwolf, MF Cotrufo
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (3), 820-828, 2009
A dynamic leaf gas‐exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies
SL Voelker, JR Brooks, FC Meinzer, R Anderson, MKF Bader, ...
Global Change Biology 22 (2), 889-902, 2016
Drought impact on water use efficiency and intra‐annual density fluctuations in Erica arborea on Elba (Italy)
G Battipaglia, V De Micco, WA Brand, M Saurer, G Aronne, P Linke, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 37 (2), 382-391, 2014
Low‐frequency noise in δ13C and δ18O tree ring data: A case study of Pinus uncinata in the Spanish Pyrenees
J Esper, DC Frank, G Battipaglia, U Büntgen, C Holert, K Treydte, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (4), 2010
From xylogenesis to tree rings: wood traits to investigate tree response to environmental changes
V De Micco, M Carrer, CBK Rathgeber, JJ Camarero, J Voltas, ...
IAWA journal 40 (2), 155-182, 2019
Plant respiration: controlled by photosynthesis or biomass?
A Collalti, MG Tjoelker, G Hoch, A Mäkelä, G Guidolotti, M Heskel, G Petit, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (3), 1739-1753, 2020
Accelerating upward treeline shift in the Altai Mountains under last-century climate change
R Cazzolla Gatti, T Callaghan, A Velichevskaya, A Dudko, L Fabbio, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7678, 2019
A multi-proxy assessment of dieback causes in a Mediterranean oak species
M Colangelo, JJ Camarero, G Battipaglia, M Borghetti, V De Micco, ...
Tree physiology 37 (5), 617-631, 2017
Structure and function of intra–annual density fluctuations: mind the gaps
G Battipaglia, F Campelo, J Vieira, M Grabner, V De Micco, C Nabais, ...
Frontiers in plant science 7, 595, 2016
Stand structure modulates the long‐term vulnerability of Pinus halepensis to climatic drought in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem
C MORENO‐GUTIÉRREZ, G Battipaglia, P Cherubini, M Saurer, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment 35 (6), 1026-1039, 2012
Site-aspect influence on climate sensitivity over time of a high-altitude Pinus cembra tree-ring network
G Leonelli, M Pelfini, G Battipaglia, P Cherubini
Climatic change 96 (1), 185-201, 2009
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability
PA Zuidema, F Babst, P Groenendijk, V Trouet, A Abiyu, R Acuña-Soto, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (4), 269-276, 2022
A smart multiple spatial and temporal resolution system to support precision agriculture from satellite images: Proof of concept on Aglianico vineyard
A Brook, V De Micco, G Battipaglia, A Erbaggio, G Ludeno, I Catapano, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 240, 111679, 2020
Tree vitality and forest health: can tree-ring stable isotopes be used as indicators?
P Cherubini, G Battipaglia, JL Innes
Current Forestry Reports 7, 69-80, 2021
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Articles 1–20