Alessandro Fassò
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Maximum likelihood estimation of the dynamic coregionalization model with heterotopic data
A Fassò, F Finazzi
Environmetrics 22 (6), 735-748, 2011
Managing data diversity in air quality monitoring and dynamical mapping
A Fassò
Working papers, 2009
Air quality monitoring using heterogeneous networks
A Fasso, M Cameletti, O Nicolis
Environmetrics 18 (3), 245-264, 2007
Sensitivity analysis of statistical models
A Fassò
Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, 2012
A model‐based framework for air quality indices and population risk evaluation, with an application to the analysis of Scottish air quality data
F Finazzi, EM Scott, A Fassò
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 62 …, 2013
A statistical approach to crowdsourced smartphone-based earthquake early warning systems
F Finazzi, A Fassò
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 31, 1649-1658, 2017
D-STEM: A Software for the Analysis and Mapping of Environmental Space-Time Variables
F Finazzi, A Fassò
Journal of Statistical Software. 62 (6), 1-29, 2014
The EM algorithm in a distributed computing environment for modelling environmental space–time data
A Fassò, M Cameletti
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (9), 1027-1035, 2009
A unified statistical approach for simulation, modeling, analysis and mapping of environmental data
A Fassò, M Cameletti
Simulation 86 (3), 139-153, 2010
Maximum likelihood estimation of the multivariate hidden dynamic geostatistical model with application to air quality in Apulia, Italy
C Calculli, A Fassò, F Finazzi, A Pollice, A Turnone
Environmetrics 26 (6), 406-417, 2015
Statistical modelling of collocation uncertainty in atmospheric thermodynamic profiles
A Fassò, R Ignaccolo, F Madonna, BB Demoz, M Franco-Villoria
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 7 (6), 1803-1816, 2014
One‐sided mewama control charts
F Alessandro
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 28 (2), 381-401, 1999
Statistical sensitivity analysis of packed column reactors for contaminated wastewater
A Fassò, A Esposito, E Porcu, AP Reverberi, F Vegliò
Environmetrics: The official journal of the International Environmetrics …, 2003
Covariance tapering for multivariate Gaussian random fields estimation
M Bevilacqua, A Fassò, C Gaetan, E Porcu, D Velandia
Statistical Methods & Applications 25, 21-37, 2016
Comparing air quality in Italy, Germany and Poland using BC indexes
O Bodnar, M Cameletti, A Fassò, W Schmid
Atmospheric Environment 42 (36), 8412-8421, 2008
The new Radiosounding HARMonization (RHARM) data set of homogenized radiosounding temperature, humidity, and wind profiles with uncertainties
F Madonna, E Tramutola, S SY, F Serva, M Proto, M Rosoldi, S Gagliardi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 127 (2), e2021JD035220, 2022
A comparison of clustering approaches for the study of the temporal coherence of multiple time series
F Finazzi, R Haggarty, C Miller, M Scott, A Fasso
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 29, 463-475, 2015
Concurrent spatiotemporal daily land use regression modeling and missing data imputation of fine particulate matter using distributed space-time expectation maximization
SM Taghavi-Shahri, A Fassò, B Mahaki, H Amini
Atmospheric environment 224, 117202, 2020
Statistical assessment of air quality interventions.
A Fassò
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 0
Non‐linear statistical modelling of high frequency ground ozone data
A Fassò, I Negri
Environmetrics 13 (3), 225-241, 2002
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20