Giampaolo Armellin
Giampaolo Armellin
Zucchetti Healthcare
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CoachMe a platform for promoting healthy lifestyle
A Fadhil, C Matteotti, G Armellin, A Villafiorita, D Betti
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer …, 2016
Privacy preserving event driven integration for interoperating social and health systems
G Armellin, D Betti, F Casati, A Chiasera, G Martinez, J Stevovic
Secure Data Management: 7th VLDB Workshop, SDM 2010, Singapore, September 17 …, 2010
Establishing regulatory compliance for information system requirements: An experience report from the health care domain
A Siena, G Armellin, G Mameli, J Mylopoulos, A Perini, A Susi
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2010: 29th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2010
Compliance aware cross-organization medical record sharing
J Stevovic, F Casati, B Farraj, J Li, HR Motahari-Nezhad, G Armellin
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Enabling privacy by design in medical records sharing
J Stevovic, E Bassi, A Giori, F Casati, G Armellin
Reforming european data protection law, 385-406, 2014
Business process assignment and execution in mobile environments
T Peng, CH Chi, A Chiasera, G Armellin, M Ronchetti, C Matteotti, C Parra, ...
2014 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS …, 2014
Business process assignment and execution from cloud to mobile
T Peng, M Ronchetti, J Stevovic, A Chiasera, G Armellin
Business Process Management Workshops: BPM 2013 International Workshops …, 2014
Business process management enabled compliance-aware medical record sharing
J Stevovic, J Li, HR Motahari-Nezhad, F Casati, G Armellin
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 6 (3 …, 2013
Understanding how software can support the needs of family caregivers for patients with severe conditions
A Di Fiore, F Ceschel, F Fiore, M Baez, F Casati, G Armellin
2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2017
Establishing information system compliance: An argumentation-based framework
G Armellin, A Chiasera, I Jureta, A Siena, A Susi
2011 Fifth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2011
MDO: framework for context-aware process mobility in building-maintenance domain
T Peng, G Armellin, D Betti, A Chiasera, TJ Toai, M Ronchetti
2013 17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 449-452, 2013
Federated EHR: how to improve data quality maintaining privacy
A Chiasera, TJ Toai, LP Bogoni, G Armellin, JJ Jara
2011 IST-Africa Conference Proceedings, 1-8, 2011
Event-driven privacy aware infrastructure for social and health systems interoperability: CSS platform
G Armellin, D Betti, F Casati, A Chiasera, G Martinez, J Stevovic, TJ Toai
Service-Oriented Computing: 8th International Conference, ICSOC 2010, San …, 2010
SIMDOMO: A tool for long-term simulations of ambient-assisted living
M Zancanaro, M Marchesoni, G Armellin
European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, 47-50, 2014
The eGovernment Use Case Scenario: SLA Management Automation of Public Services
G Armellin, A Chiasera, G Frankova, L Pasquale, F Torelli, G Zacco
Service level agreements for cloud computing, 343-357, 2011
Enabling Business Intelligence Functions over a Loosely Coupled Environment
G Armellin, LP Bogoni, A Chiasera, TJ Toai, G Zanella
E-Infrastuctures and E-Services for Developing Countries: Second …, 2011
Understanding how people work: experiences in improving healthcare practices in Italy
M Corradi, A Chiasera, G Armellin, J Stevovic
Workshop on Coordination, Collaboration and Ad-hoc Processes (COCOA’10 …, 2010
L'organizzazione resiliente: L'esperienza dell'emergenza CoViD-19 in ambito sanitario e sociosanitario
A Pennini, G Armellin
FrancoAngeli, 2021
Modeling and Composition of Environment-as-a-Service
T Peng, CH Chi, A Chiasera, G Armellin, M Ronchetti, C Matteotti
2015 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 443-450, 2015
S-Grouper: A Semantic Based System to Semi-Automatic Encode Hospital Activities
R Cuel, A Francesconi, F Nardelli, G Armellin
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Articles 1–20