Dominique Brunato
Dominique Brunato
Institute of Computational Linguistics (ILC - CNR), Pisa, Italy
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Does gender make a difference? Comparing the effect of gender on children's comprehension of relative clauses in Hebrew and Italian
A Belletti, N Friedmann, D Brunato, L Rizzi
Lingua 122 (10), 1053-1069, 2012
Profiling-UD: a Tool for Linguistic Profiling of Texts
D Brunato, A Cimino, F Dell’Orletta, G Venturi, S Montemagni
Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 7145-7151, 2020
Design and Annotation of the First Italian Corpus for Text Simplification
D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta, G Venturi, S Montemagni
The 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop held in conjuncion with NAACL 2015, 31, 2015
Linguistic Profiling of a Neural Language Model
A Miaschi, D Brunato, F Dell'Orletta, G Venturi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01869, 2020
Is this Sentence Difficult? Do you Agree?
D Brunato, L De Mattei, F Dell’Orletta, B Iavarone, G Venturi
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2018
PaCCSS–IT: A Parallel Corpus of Complex–Simple Sentences for Automatic Text Simplification
D Brunato, A Cimino, F Dell’Orletta, G Venturi
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 0
Le tecnologie linguistico-computazionali nella misura della leggibilità di testi giuridici
D Brunato, G Venturi
Informatica e diritto 23 (1), 111-142, 2014
What Makes My Model Perplexed? A Linguistic Investigation on Neural Language Models Perplexity
A Miaschi, D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta, G Venturi
Proceedings of Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): The 2nd Workshop on …, 2021
Preface to the seventh workshop on natural language for artificial intelligence (nl4ai)
E Bassignana, D Brunato, M Polignano, A Ramponi
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Natural Language for Artificial …, 2023
Sentence Complexity in Context
B Iavarone, D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational …, 2021
That Looks Hard: Characterizing Linguistic Complexity in Humans and Language Models
G Sarti, D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational …, 2021
AcCompl-it@ EVALITA2020: Overview of the acceptability & complexity evaluation task for italian
D Brunato, C Cristiano, F Dell’Orletta, S Montemagni, G Venturi, ...
Proceedings of Seventh Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing …, 2020
A NLP-based stylometric approach for tracking the evolution of L1 written language competence
A Miaschi, D Brunato, F Dell'Orletta
Journal of Writing Research 13 (1), 71-105, 2021
A study on linguistic complexity from a computational linguistics perspective. A corpus-based investigation of Italian bureaucratic texts
D Brunato
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Siena, 2015
Defining an annotation scheme with a view to automatic text simplification
D Brunato, FD Orletta, G Venturi, S Montemagni.
Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2014), 87-92, 2014
Linguistically-Based Comparison of Different Approaches to Building Corpora for Text Simplification: A Case Study on Italian
D Brunato, F Dell'Orletta, G Venturi
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2022
Tracking the Evolution of Written Language Competence in L2 Spanish Learners
A Miaschi, S Davidson, D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta, K Sagae, ...
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2020
Italian Transformers Under the Linguistic Lens
A Miaschip, G Sartim, D Brunato, F Dell’Orletta, G Venturi
Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics …, 2020
DisCoTex at EVALITA 2023: overview of the assessing discourse coherence in Italian texts task
D Brunato, D Colla, F Dell’Orletta, I Dini, DP Radicioni, AA Ravelli
Proceedings of the Eighth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing …, 2023
SemEval-2022 Task3 (PreTENS): Evaluating Neural Networks on Presuppositional Semantic Knowledge
R Zamparelli, SA Chowdhury, D Brunato, C Chesi, F Dell’Orletta, A Hasan, ...
Proceeding of SEMEVAL 2022, 2022
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20