Aitor J. Garrido         ORCID:
Aitor J. Garrido ORCID:
Automatic Control Group, University of the Basque Country
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Modeling and simulation of wave energy generation plants: Output power control
M Amundarain, M Alberdi, AJ Garrido, I Garrido
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (1), 105-117, 2010
Control strategies applied to wave energy converters: State of the art
A Maria-Arenas, AJ Garrido, E Rusu, I Garrido
Energies 12 (16), 3115, 2019
Sliding-mode control of wave power generation plants
AJ Garrido, I Garrido, M Amundarain, M Alberdi, M De la Sen
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (6), 2372-2381, 2012
Complementary control of oscillating water column-based wave energy conversion plants to improve the instantaneous power output
M Alberdi, M Amundarain, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, O Casquero, M De la Sen
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 26 (4), 1021-1032, 2011
Integral sliding-mode controller for induction motor based on field-oriented control theory
O Barambones, AJ Garrido, FJ Maseda
IET Control Theory & Applications 1 (3), 786-794, 2007
Physics research on the TCV tokamak facility: from conventional to alternative scenarios and beyond
S Coda, M Agostini, R Albanese, S Alberti, E Alessi, S Allan, J Allcock, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (11), 112023, 2019
Mathematical Modeling of Oscillating Water Columns Wave‐Structure Interaction in Ocean Energy Plants
AJ Garrido, E Otaola, I Garrido, J Lekube, FJ Maseda, P Liria, J Mader
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 727982, 2015
Fault-ride-through capability of oscillating-water-column-based wave-power-generation plants equipped with doubly fed induction generator and airflow control
M Alberdi, M Amundarain, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, FJ Maseda
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (5), 1501-1517, 2010
Wave energy plants: Control strategies for avoiding the stalling behaviour in the Wells turbine
M Amundarain, M Alberdi, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, J Maseda
Renewable Energy 35 (12), 2639-2648, 2010
A sensorless variable structure control of induction motor drives
O Barambones, AJ Garrido
Electric Power Systems Research 72 (1), 21-32, 2004
Rotational speed optimization in oscillating water column wave power plants based on maximum power point tracking
J Lekube, AJ Garrido, I Garrido
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14 (2), 681-691, 2016
Performance of an ocean energy conversion system with DFIG sensorless control
I Garrido, AJ Garrido, M Alberdi, M Amundarain, O Barambones
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013 (1), 260514, 2013
Stalling-free control strategies for oscillating-water-column-based wave power generation plants
F M'zoughi, S Bouallegue, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, M Ayadi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33 (1), 209-222, 2017
Neural control for voltage dips ride-through of oscillating water column-based wave energy converter equipped with doubly-fed induction generator
M Alberdi, M Amundarain, A Garrido, I Garrido
Renewable Energy 48, 16-26, 2012
Flow control in wells turbines for harnessing maximum wave power
J Lekube, AJ Garrido, I Garrido, E Otaola, J Maseda
Sensors 18 (2), 535, 2018
Fuzzy logic control of an artificial neural network-based floating offshore wind turbine model integrated with four oscillating water columns
I Ahmad, F M'zoughi, P Aboutalebi, I Garrido, AJ Garrido
Ocean Engineering 269, 113578, 2023
Low Effort Li Nuclear Fusion Plasma Control Using Model Predictive Control Laws
I Garrido, AJ Garrido, JA Romero, E Carrascal, G Sevillano-Berasategui, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 527420, 2015
Adaptive sensorless robust control of AC drives based on sliding mode control theory
O Barambones, AJ Garrido
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2007
Neural rotational speed control for wave energy converters
M Amundarain, M Alberdi, AJ Garrido, I Garrido
International Journal of Control 84 (2), 293-309, 2011
Basic theoretical results for expert systems. Application to the supervision of adaptation transients in planar robots
M De la Sen, JJ Miñambres, AJ Garrido, A Almansa, JC Soto
Artificial intelligence 152 (2), 173-211, 2004
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20