Carmine Di Noia
Carmine Di Noia
Director for Financial and Enterprise Affairs OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and
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Should banking supervision and monetary policy tasks be given to different agencies?
C Di Noia, G Di Giorgio
International Finance 2 (3), 361-378, 1999
Competition and integration among stock exchanges in Europe: Network effects, implicit mergers and remote access
C Di Noia
European Financial Management 7 (1), 39-72, 2001
Recent development in the structure of securities markets
A Cybo-Ottone, C Di Noia, M Murgia
Brookings-Wharton papers on financial services 2000 (1), 223-273, 2000
Financial regulation and supervision in the Euro Area: a four-peak proposal
G Di Giorgio, C Di Noia
Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper, 2001
The stock-exchange industry: network effects, implicit mergers, and corporate governance
C Di Noia
University of Pennsylvania, 1998
Restarting European long-term investment finance: a green paper discussion document
A Giovannini, C Mayer, S Micossi, C Di Noia, M Onado, M Pagano, A Polo
CEPR Press and Assonime, 2015
Financial market regulation and supervision: How many peaks for the Euro area
G Di Giorgio, C Di Noia
Brook. J. Int'l L. 28, 463, 2002
Banking Union: A federal model for the European Union with prompt corrective action
J Carmassi, C Di Noia, S Micossi
CEPS Policy Brief, 2012
Financial market regulation: the case of Italy and a proposal for the euro area
G Di Giorgio, C Di Noia, L Piatti
Wharton School Center for Financial Institutions, University of Pennsylvania, 2000
Unleashing the European securities and markets authority: Governance and accountability after the ECJ decision on the short selling regulation (Case C-270/12)
C Di Noia, M Gargantini
European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR) 15 (1), 1-57, 2014
Board elections and shareholder activism: The Italian experiment
M Belcredi, S Bozzi, C Di Noia
International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation, 250-285, 2013
Keep it simple: policy responses to the financial crisis
C Di Noia, S Micossi
CEPS, 2009
Customer controlled firms: The case of stock exchanges
C Di Noia
Available at SSRN 250468, 2000
Issuers at Midstream: Disclosure of Multistage Events in the Current and in the Proposed EU Market Abuse Regime.
C Di Noia, M Gargantini
European Company & Financial Law Review 9 (4), 2012
Financial supervisors: alternative models
G Di Giorgio, C Di Noia
Designing financial supervision institutions: independence, accountability …, 2007
The new structure of financial supervision in Europe: what’s next?’
C Di Noia, MC Furlò
Financial Regulation and Supervision. A Post-Crisis Analysis, 172, 2012
The market abuse directive disclosure regime in practice: Some margins for future actions
C Di Noia, M Gargantini
Rivista delle Società, 2009
Regolamentazione e mercato finanziario: analisi e prospettive di riforma per il sistema italiano
C Di Noia, L Piatti
(No Title), 1998
The consolidation of securities exchange
A Cybo-Ottone, C Di Noia, M Murgia
Brooking-Wharton Papers on Financial Services 2000, 2000
I controlli societari: molte regole, nessun sistema
M Bianchini, C Di Noia
Egea, 2010
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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