Ralf Romeike
Ralf Romeike
Head of Computing Education Research Group, Freie Universität Berlin
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Physical Computing and Its Scope--Towards a Constructionist Computer Science Curriculum with Physical Computing.
M Przybylla, R Romeike
Informatics in Education 13 (2), 241-254, 2014
Kernkompetenzen von Lehrkräften für das Unterrichten in einer digitalisierten Welt
FLDC Bayern, F Schultz-Pernice, L von Kotzebue, U Franke, C Ascherl, ...
Merz Medien+ Erziehung: Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik 4, 65-74, 2017
Creativity as a pathway to computer science
M Knobelsdorf, R Romeike
Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Innovation and technology in …, 2008
Teachers’ perspectives on artificial intelligence
A Lindner, R Romeike, E Jasute, S Pozdniakov
12th International conference on informatics in schools,“Situation …, 2019
Developing a theoretically founded data literacy competency model
A Grillenberger, R Romeike
Proceedings of the 13th workshop in primary and secondary computing …, 2018
Unplugged Activities in the Context of AI
A Lindner, S Seegerer, R Romeike
Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics: 12th International …, 2019
Improving debugging skills in the classroom: The effects of teaching a systematic debugging process
T Michaeli, R Romeike
Proceedings of the 14th workshop in primary and secondary computing …, 2019
Applying creativity in CS high school education: criteria, teaching example and evaluation
R Romeike
Proceedings of the Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education …, 2007
Current status and perspectives of debugging in the k12 classroom: A qualitative study
T Michaeli, R Romeike
2019 ieee global engineering education conference (educon), 1030-1038, 2019
Dagstuhl-Erklärung: Bildung in der digitalen vernetzten Welt
T Brinda, I Diethelm, R Gemulla, R Romeike, J Schöning, C Schulte, ...
Gesellschaft für Informatik eV, 2016
What students can learn about artificial intelligence–recommendations for K-12 computing education
T Michaeli, R Romeike, S Seegerer
IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education, 196-208, 2022
Frühe informatische Bildung–Ziele und Gelingensbedingungen für den Elementar-und Primarbereich
CS N Bergner, P Hubwieser, H Köster, J Magenheim, K Müller, R Romeike, U ...
Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2018
Addressing ai and data literacy in teacher education: A review of existing educational frameworks
V Olari, R Romeike
Proceedings of the 16th workshop in primary and secondary computing …, 2021
Key competences with physical computing
M Przybylla, R Romeike
KEYCIT 2014-Key Competencies in Informatics and ICT, 351-361, 2015
Three drivers for creativity in computer science education
R Romeike
Proc of Informatics, Mathematics and ICT: a’golden triangle’. Boston, USA, 2007
Agile projects in high school computing education: emphasizing a learners' perspective
R Romeike, T Göttel
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education …, 2012
It’s not magic after all–machine learning in snap! using reinforcement learning
S Jatzlau, T Michaeli, S Seegerer, R Romeike
2019 IEEE blocks and beyond workshop (B&B), 37-41, 2019
Wie informatische Bildung hilft, die digitale Gesellschaft zu verstehen und mitzugestalten
R Romeike
Software takes command. Herausforderungen der „Datafizierung “für die …, 2017
What’s my challenge? The forgotten part of problem solving in computer science education
R Romeike
International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools-Evolution and …, 2008
Zieldimensionen informatischer Bildung im Elementar-und Primarbereich
N Bergner, H Köster, J Magenheim, K Müller, R Romeike, C Schulte, ...
Frühe informatische Bildung–Ziele und Gelingensbedingungen für den Elementar …, 2017
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20