Federico Orsini
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Collision prediction in roundabouts: a comparative study of extreme value theory approaches
F Orsini, G Gecchele, M Gastaldi, R Rossi
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 15 (2), 556-572, 2019
Gap-acceptance behavior at roundabouts: validation of a driving simulator environment using field observations
R Rossi, C Meneguzzer, F Orsini, M Gastaldi
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 27-34, 2020
Cross-cultural perspective of driving style in young adults: Psychometric evaluation through the analysis of the Multidimensional Driving Style Inventory
F Freuli, G De Cet, M Gastaldi, F Orsini, M Tagliabue, R Rossi, G Vidotto
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 73, 425-432, 2020
A conflict-based approach for real-time road safety analysis: Comparative evaluation with crash-based models
F Orsini, G Gecchele, R Rossi, M Gastaldi
Accident Analysis & Prevention 161, 106382, 2021
Evaluating the impact of real-time coaching programs on drivers overtaking cyclists
R Rossi, F Orsini, M Tagliabue, LL Di Stasi, G De Cet, M Gastaldi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 78, 74-90, 2021
How to nudge drivers to reduce speed: The case of the left-digit effect
E Rubaltelli, D Manicardi, F Orsini, C Mulatti, R Rossi, L Lotto
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 78, 259-266, 2021
Large-scale road safety evaluation using extreme value theory
F Orsini, G Gecchele, M Gastaldi, R Rossi
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 14 (9), 1004-1012, 2020
Neural networks trained with WiFi traces to predict airport passenger behavior
F Orsini, M Gastaldi, L Mantecchini, R Rossi
2019 6th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2019
A driving simulator study exploring the effect of different mental models on ADAS system effectiveness
R Rossi, M Gastaldi, F Biondi, F Orsini, G De Cet, C Mulatti
International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer …, 2020
Dry ports and related environmental benefits: a case study in Italy
A Carboni, F Orsini
Case Studies on Transport Policy 8, 416-428, 2020
Safety analysis of unsignalized intersections: a bivariate extreme value approach
M Gastaldi, F Orsini, G Gecchele, R Rossi
Transportation Letters 13 (3), 209-218, 2021
How to drive passenger airport experience: a decision support system based on user profile
R Rossi, M Gastaldi, F Orsini
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12 (4), 301-308, 2018
Freeway rear-end collision risk estimation with extreme value theory approach. A case study
G Gecchele, F Orsini, M Gastaldi, R Rossi
Transportation Research Procedia 37, 195-202, 2019
Precision teaching to improve drivers’ lane maintenance
FN Biondi, R Rossi, M Gastaldi, F Orsini, C Mulatti
Journal of Safety Research 72, 225-229, 2020
Highway Deceleration Lane Safety: Effects of Real-Time Coaching Programs on Driving Behavior
F Orsini, M Tagliabue, G De Cet, M Gastaldi, R Rossi
Sustainability 13 (16), 9089, 2021
Driving simulator performance worsens after the Spring transition to Daylight Saving Time
F Orsini, L Zarantonello, R Costa, R Rossi, S Montagnese
iScience 25 (7), 104666, 2022
MaaS bundling and acceptance in the pandemic era: Evidence from Padua, Italy
A Baldassa, R Ceccato, F Orsini, R Rossi, M Gastaldi
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2022 (1), 9833689, 2022
A comparative simulator study of reaction times to yellow traffic light under manual and automated driving
R Rossi, M Gastaldi, F Orsini, G De Cet, C Meneguzzer
Transportation Research Procedia 52, 276-283, 2021
Reducing Elevated Gravitational-Force Events through visual feedback: a simulator study
R Rossi, M Tagliabue, M Gastaldi, G De Cet, F Freuli, F Orsini, LL Di Stasi, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 52, 115-122, 2021
Driving fatigue increases after the Spring transition to Daylight Saving Time in young male drivers: A pilot study
F Orsini, G Giusti, L Zarantonello, R Costa, S Montagnese, R Rossi
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 99, 83-97, 2023
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