Stephan Lehnart
Stephan Lehnart
University Medical Center Goettingen; Georg-August University Goettingen
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FKBP12. 6 deficiency and defective calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) function linked to exercise-induced sudden cardiac death
XHT Wehrens, SE Lehnart, F Huang, JA Vest, SR Reiken, PJ Mohler, ...
Cell 113 (7), 829-840, 2003
Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase II Phosphorylation Regulates the Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor
XHT Wehrens, SE Lehnart, SR Reiken, AR Marks
Circulation research 94 (6), e61-e70, 2004
Phosphodiesterase 4D deficiency in the ryanodine-receptor complex promotes heart failure and arrhythmias
SE Lehnart, XHT Wehrens, S Reiken, S Warrier, AE Belevych, RD Harvey, ...
Cell 123 (1), 25-35, 2005
Protection from cardiac arrhythmia through ryanodine receptor-stabilizing protein calstabin2
XHT Wehrens, SE Lehnart, SR Reiken, SX Deng, JA Vest, D Cervantes, ...
Science 304 (5668), 292-296, 2004
Relationship Between Na+-Ca2+–Exchanger Protein Levels and Diastolic Function of Failing Human Myocardium
G Hasenfuss, W Schillinger, SE Lehnart, M Preuss, B Pieske, LS Maier, ...
Circulation 99 (5), 641-648, 1999
Leaky Ca2+ release channel/ryanodine receptor 2 causes seizures and sudden cardiac death in mice
SE Lehnart, M Mongillo, A Bellinger, N Lindegger, BX Chen, W Hsueh, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 118 (6), 2230-2245, 2008
Modulation of the ryanodine receptor and intracellular calcium
R Zalk, SE Lehnart, AR Marks
Annu. Rev. Biochem. 76 (1), 367-385, 2007
Defective cardiac ryanodine receptor regulation during atrial fibrillation
JA Vest, XHT Wehrens, SR Reiken, SE Lehnart, D Dobrev, P Chandra, ...
Circulation 111 (16), 2025-2032, 2005
Intracellular calcium release and cardiac disease
XHT Wehrens, SE Lehnart, AR Marks
Annu. Rev. Physiol. 67, 69-98, 2005
Ryanodine receptor/calcium release channel PKA phosphorylation: a critical mediator of heart failure progression
XHT Wehrens, SE Lehnart, S Reiken, JA Vest, A Wronska, AR Marks
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (3), 511-518, 2006
Remodeling of ryanodine receptor complex causes “leaky” channels: a molecular mechanism for decreased exercise capacity
AM Bellinger, S Reiken, M Dura, PW Murphy, SX Deng, DW Landry, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (6), 2198-2202, 2008
Sudden death in familial polymorphic ventricular tachycardia associated with calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) leak
SE Lehnart, XHT Wehrens, PJ Laitinen, SR Reiken, SX Deng, Z Cheng, ...
Circulation 109 (25), 3208-3214, 2004
Differential cardiac remodeling in preload versus afterload
K Toischer, AG Rokita, B Unsöld, W Zhu, G Kararigas, S Sossalla, ...
Circulation 122 (10), 993-1003, 2010
PKA phosphorylation activates the calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) in skeletal muscle: defective regulation in heart failure
S Reiken, A Lacampagne, H Zhou, A Kherani, SE Lehnart, C Ward, ...
The Journal of cell biology 160 (6), 919-928, 2003
Inherited arrhythmias: a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Office of Rare Diseases workshop consensus report about the diagnosis, phenotyping, molecular mechanisms …
SE Lehnart, MJ Ackerman, DW Benson Jr, R Brugada, CE Clancy, ...
Circulation 116 (20), 2325-2345, 2007
SAP97 and Dystrophin Macromolecular Complexes Determine Two Pools of Cardiac Sodium Channels Nav1.5 in Cardiomyocytes
S Petitprez, AF Zmoos, J Ogrodnik, E Balse, N Raad, S El-Haou, M Albesa, ...
Circulation research 108 (3), 294-304, 2011
Glyoxal as an alternative fixative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and super‐resolution microscopy
KN Richter, NH Revelo, KJ Seitz, MS Helm, D Sarkar, RS Saleeb, E d'Este, ...
The EMBO journal 37 (1), 139-159, 2018
Stabilization of cardiac ryanodine receptor prevents intracellular calcium leak and arrhythmias
SE Lehnart, C Terrenoire, S Reiken, XHT Wehrens, LS Song, EJ Tillman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (20), 7906-7910, 2006
Phosphorylation of the ryanodine receptor mediates the cardiac fight or flight response in mice
J Shan, A Kushnir, MJ Betzenhauser, S Reiken, J Li, SE Lehnart, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 120 (12), 4388-4398, 2010
Stimulated emission depletion live-cell super-resolution imaging shows proliferative remodeling of T-tubule membrane structures after myocardial infarction
E Wagner, MA Lauterbach, T Kohl, V Westphal, GSB Williams, ...
Circulation research 111 (4), 402-414, 2012
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Articoli 1–20