Marco Brunero
Marco Brunero
Research assistant
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Cited by
Autism spectrum disorder from the womb to adulthood: suggestions for a paradigm shift
C Panisi, FR Guerini, PM Abruzzo, F Balzola, PM Biava, A Bolotta, ...
Journal of personalized medicine 11 (2), 70, 2021
Polarization in retracing circuits for WDM-PON
M Martinelli, L Marazzi, P Parolari, M Brunero, G Gavioli
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (14), 1191-1193, 2012
Up to 10.7-Gb/s high-PDG RSOA-based colorless transmitter for WDM networks
L Marazzi, P Parolari, M Brunero, A Gatto, M Martinelli, R Brenot, S Barbet, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 (7), 637-640, 2013
C-and O-band operation of RSOA WDM PON self-seeded transmitters up to 10 Gb/s
P Parolari, L Marazzi, M Brunero, M Martinelli, R Brenot, A Maho, S Barbet, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 7 (2), A249-A255, 2015
10-Gb/s operation of a colorless self-seeded transmitter over more than 70 km of SSMF
P Parolari, L Marazzi, M Brunero, M Martinelli, R Brenot, A Maho, S Barbet, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 26 (6), 599-602, 2014
Self-seeded RSOAs WDM PON field trial for business and mobile fronthaul applications
F Saliou, G Simon, P Chanclou, M Brunero, L Marazzi, P Parolari, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, M2A. 2, 2015
Laboratory studies using electrical resistivity tomography and fiber optic techniques to detect seepage zones in river embankments
A Hojat, M Ferrario, D Arosio, M Brunero, VI Ivanov, L Longoni, ...
Geosciences 11 (2), 69, 2021
Applicability of an interferometric optical fibre sensor for shallow landslide monitoring–Experimental tests
V Ivanov, L Longoni, M Ferrario, M Brunero, D Arosio, M Papini
Engineering Geology 288, 106128, 2021
Demystification of the self-seeded WDM access
A Maho, G Simon, S Barbet, F Lelarge, F Saliou, P Chanclou, P Parolari, ...
Journal of Lightwave technology 34 (2), 776-782, 2016
Self-tuning transmitter for fibre-to-the-antenna PON networks
P Parolari, L Marazzi, M Brunero, A Gatto, M Martinelli, P Chanclou, ...
Optical Switching and Networking 14, 25-31, 2014
Operation of a RSOA WDM PON self-seeded transmitter over more than 50 km of SSMF up to 10 Gb/s
P Parolari, L Marazzi, M Brunero, M Martinelli, A Maho, S Barbet, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W3G. 4, 2014
125-km long cavity based on self-seeded RSOAs colorless sources for 2.5-Gb/s DWDM networks
F Saliou, G Simon, P Chanclou, M Brunero, L Marazzi, P Parolari, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 33 (8), 1602-1607, 2015
Self-Seeded RSOA-Fiber Cavity Lasers vs. ASE Spectrum-Sliced or Externally Seeded Transmitters—A Comparative Study
SA Gebrewold, R Bonjour, S Barbet, A Maho, R Brenot, P Chanclou, ...
Applied Sciences 5 (4), 1922-1941, 2015
RSOA-based FDM PON upstream with flexible multiple access capabilities in an NG-PON2 compliant architecture
A Gatto, P Parolari, M Brunero, P Martelli, R Brenot, P Boffi
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 8 (5), 302-307, 2016
A BB84 QKD field-trial in the Turin metropolitan area
A Gatto, M Brunero, M Ferrari, A Tarable, D Bodanapu, JP Brito, ...
Photonics in Switching and Computing, Tu1A. 2, 2021
10-Gb/s amplified self-seeding WDM PON transmission exploiting RSOAs
P Parolari, L Marazzi, M Brunero, A Gatto, M Martinelli, R Brenot, A Maho, ...
2014 19th European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications-(NOC …, 2014
Laboratory tests with interferometric optical fibre sensors to monitor shallow landslides triggered by rainfalls
L Longoni, V Ivanov, M Ferrario, M Brunero, M Papini, D Arosio
Landslides 19 (3), 761-772, 2022
Monitoring Strategic Hydraulic Infrastructures by Brillouin Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors
M Bertulessi, DF Bignami, I Boschini, M Brunero, M Ferrario, G Menduni, ...
Water 14 (2), 188, 2022
Single-SPAD implementation of quantum key distribution
P Martelli, M Brunero, A Fasiello, F Rossi, A Tosi, M Martinelli
2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-3, 2019
Remotely-pumped network-embedded self-tuning transmitter for 80-Gb/s conventional hybrid TDM/WDM PON with 256-split
L Marazzi, P Parolari, M Brunero, R Brenot, S Barbet, M Martinelli
Optics Express 21 (4), 4376-4381, 2013
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Articles 1–20