Marco Roncaglia
Marco Roncaglia
Professor at Giordano Bruno Institute
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Statistically induced phase transitions and anyons in 1D optical lattices
T Keilmann, S Lanzmich, I McCulloch, M Roncaglia
Nature communications 2 (1), 361, 2011
Long-distance entanglement in spin systems
L Campos Venuti, C Degli Esposti Boschi, M Roncaglia
Physical review letters 96 (24), 247206, 2006
Qubit teleportation and transfer across antiferromagnetic spin chains
L Campos Venuti, C Degli Esposti Boschi, M Roncaglia
Physical Review Letters 99 (6), 060401, 2007
Pfaffian state generation by strong three-body dissipation
M Roncaglia, M Rizzi, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 104 (9), 096803, 2010
From rotating atomic rings to quantum Hall states
M Roncaglia, M Rizzi, J Dalibard
Scientific reports 1 (1), 43, 2011
On critical phases in anisotropic spin-1 chains
C Degli Esposti Boschi, E Ercolessi, F Ortolani, M Roncaglia
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 35 (4 …, 2003
Analytic relations between localizable entanglement and string correlations in spin systems
LC Venuti, M Roncaglia
Physical review letters 94 (20), 207207, 2005
Nonlocal order parameters for the 1D Hubbard model
A Montorsi, M Roncaglia
Physical review letters 109 (23), 236404, 2012
Local measures of entanglement and critical exponents at quantum phase transitions
L Campos Venuti, C Degli Esposti Boschi, M Roncaglia, A Scaramucci
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 010303, 2006
Effective actions for spin ladders
S Dell'Aringa, E Ercolessi, G Morandi, P Pieri, M Roncaglia
Physical review letters 78 (12), 2457, 1997
How hidden orders generate gaps in one-dimensional fermionic systems
L Barbiero, A Montorsi, M Roncaglia
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (3), 035109, 2013
Meccanica statistica
K Huang, M Roncaglia
Zanichelli, 1997
Bipartite entanglement of quantum states in a pair basis
M Roncaglia, A Montorsi, M Genovese
Physical Review A 90 (6), 062303, 2014
Stripe ansätze from exactly solved models
MA Martin-Delgado, M Roncaglia, G Sierra
Physical Review B 64 (7), 075117, 2001
Spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains in an external staggered field
E Ercolessi, G Morandi, P Pieri, M Roncaglia
Physical Review B 62 (22), 14860, 2000
Brane parity orders in the insulating state of Hubbard ladders
C Degli Esposti Boschi, A Montorsi, M Roncaglia
Physical Review B 94 (8), 085119, 2016
Equivalence between and dimerized models
L Campos Venuti, M Roncaglia
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (6), 060101, 2010
Heisenberg integer spin chains in a uniform magnetic field
L Campos Venuti, E Ercolessi, G Morandi, P Pieri, M Roncaglia
International Journal of Modern Physics B 16 (09), 1363-1379, 2002
A nonlinear σ-model approach
E Ercolessi, G Morandi, P Pieri, M Roncaglia
Europhysics Letters 52 (4), 434, 2000
Hidden magnetism in periodically modulated one dimensional dipolar fermions
S Fazzini, A Montorsi, M Roncaglia, L Barbiero
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123008, 2017
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Articles 1–20