Thomas Kelley
Thomas Kelley
Associate Professor of Criminsal Justice, Wayne State University
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Mental health and prospective police professionals
TM Kelley
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 28 (1 …, 2005
Positive psychology and adolescent mental health: False promise or true breakthrough?
TM Kelley
Adolescence 39 (154), 257, 2004
Thought recognition, locus of control, and adolescent well-being.
TM Kelley, SA Stack
Adolescence 35 (139), 2000
The correctional staff burnout literature
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, ML Griffin, T Kelley
Criminal Justice Studies 28 (4), 397-443, 2015
The ties that bind: Organizational commitment and its effect on correctional orientation, absenteeism, and turnover intent
EG Lambert, ML Griffin, NL Hogan, T Kelley
The Prison Journal 95 (1), 135-156, 2015
Natural resilience and innate mental health.
TM Kelley
American Psychological Association 60 (3), 265a, 2005
The impact of perceived alienation on police officers’ sense of mastery and subsequent motivation for proactive enforcement
RC Ankony, TM Kelley
Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management 22 (2 …, 1999
Hanging on too long: The relationship between different forms of organizational commitment and emotional burnout among correctional staff
EG Lambert, T Kelley, NL Hogan
American Journal of Criminal Justice 38, 51-66, 2013
The relationship of affective and continuance organizational commitment with correctional staff occupational burnout: A partial replication and expansion study
B Garland, EG Lambert, NL Hogan, B Kim, T Kelley
Criminal justice and behavior 41 (10), 1161-1177, 2014
Health realization: A principle-based psychology of positive youth development
TM Kelley
Child and Youth Care Forum 32, 47-72, 2003
Mindfulness as a potential means of attenuating anger and aggression for prospective criminal justice professionals
TM Kelley, EG Lambert
Mindfulness 3, 261-274, 2012
The association of occupational stressors with different forms of organizational commitment among correctional staff
EG Lambert, T Kelley, NL Hogan
American Journal of Criminal Justice 38, 480-501, 2013
The association of affective and continuance commitment with correctional staff life satisfaction
EG Lambert, B Kim, T Kelley, NL Hogan
The Social Science Journal 50 (2), 195-203, 2013
To be or not to be committed: The effects of continuance and affective commitment on absenteeism and turnover intent among private prison personnel
B Garland, NL Hogan, T Kelley, B Kim, EG Lambert
Journal of Applied Security Research 8 (1), 1-23, 2013
Relational aggression and victimization in gay male relationships: The role of internalized homophobia
TM Kelley, RA Robertson
Aggressive Behavior: Official Journal of the International Society for …, 2008
Conformity to traditional gender norms by male police officers exposed to trauma: Implications for critical incident stress debriefing
AR Pasciak, TM Kelley
Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice 9 (2), 137-156, 2013
When domains spill over: The relationships of affective and continuance commitment with work–family conflict among correctional staff
EG Lambert, NL Hogan, TM Kelley, B Kim, B Garland
Criminal Justice Policy Review 25 (4), 476-502, 2014
A critique of social bonding and control theory of delinquency
TM Kelley
Adolescence 31, 321, 1996
Police suicide: An analysis
S Stack, T Kelley
Am. J. Police 13, 73, 1994
Work-family conflict and organizational citizenship behaviors
EG Lambert, T Kelley, NL Hogan
Journal of Crime and Justice 36 (3), 398-417, 2013
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Articles 1–20