Paola Favati
Paola Favati
Research Director at the Institute for Informatics and Telematics of CNR
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Convexity in nonlinear interger programming
P Favati
Ricerca operativa 53, 3-44, 1990
On a matrix algebra related to the discrete Hartley transform
D Bini, P Favati
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 14 (2), 500-507, 1993
Additive one-dimensional cellular automata are chaotic according to Devaney's definition of chaos
P Favati, G Lotti, L Margara
Theoretical Computer Science 174 (1-2), 157-170, 1997
Algorithm 691: Improving QUADPACK automatic integration routines
P Favati, G Lotti, F Romani
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 17 (2), 218-232, 1991
On band matrices and their inverses
P Rózsa, R Bevilacqua, F Romani, P Favati
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 150, 287-295, 1991
Interpolatory integration formulas for optimal composition
P Favati, G Lotti, F Romani
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 17 (2), 207-217, 1991
On the inverse of block tridiagonal matrices with applications to the inverses of band matrices and block band matrices
P Rózsa, R Bevilacqua, P Favati, F Romani
The Gohberg Anniversary Collection: Volume I: The Calgary Conference and …, 1989
A framework for studying the regularizing properties of Krylov subspace methods
P Brianzi, P Favati, O Menchi, F Romani
Inverse Problems 22 (3), 1007, 2006
Generalized Cross-Validation applied to Conjugate Gradient for discrete ill-posed problems
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi, F Romani
Applied Mathematics and Computation 243, 258-268, 2014
Construction of the similarity matrix for the spectral clustering method: Numerical experiments
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi, F Romani
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 375, 112795, 2020
Performance analysis of maximum likelihood methods for regularization problems with nonnegativity constraints
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi, F Romani
Inverse Problems 26 (8), 085013, 2010
Relaxed functional iteration techniques for the numerical solution of M/G/1 type Markov chains
P Favati, B Meini
BIT Numerical Mathematics 38 (3), 510-526, 1998
On functional iteration methods for solving nonlinear matrix equations arising in queueing problems
P Favati, B Meini
IMA journal of numerical analysis 19 (1), 39-49, 1999
On the reciprocal vector optimization problems
P Favati, M Pappalardo
Journal of optimization theory and applications 47, 181-193, 1985
Stability of the Levinson algorithm for Toeplitz-like systems
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 31 (5), 2531-2552, 2010
Bounds on the error of Fejér and Clenshaw-Curtis type quadrature for analytic functions
P Favati, G Lotti, F Romani
Applied mathematics letters 6 (6), 3-8, 1993
A two-phase strategy for nonconvex clusters integrating a spectral clustering with a merging technique
P Favati, O Menchi
Expert Systems with Applications 214, 119099, 2023
Non‐recursive solution of sparse block Hessenberg systems
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 11 (4), 391-409, 2004
Solution of infinite linear systems by automatic adaptive iterations
P Favati, G Lotti, O Menchi, F Romani
Linear Algebra and its Applications 318 (1-3), 209-225, 2000
Asymptotic behavior of automatic quadrature
P Favati, G Lotti, G Di Marco, F Romani
Journal of Complexity 10 (3), 296-340, 1994
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
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