Tyler L. Hayes
Tyler L. Hayes
Machine Learning Researcher
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Cited by
Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks
R Kemker, M McClure, A Abitino, TL Hayes, C Kanan
AAAI, 3390-3398, 2018
REMIND Your Neural Network to Prevent Catastrophic Forgetting
TL Hayes, K Kafle, R Shrestha, M Acharya, C Kanan
ECCV, 2020
Memory Efficient Experience Replay for Streaming Learning
TL Hayes, ND Cahill, C Kanan
ICRA, 2019
Avalanche: an End-to-End Library for Continual Learning
V Lomonaco, L Pellegrini, A Cossu, A Carta, G Graffieti, TL Hayes, ...
CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, 2021
Lifelong machine learning with deep streaming linear discriminant analysis
TL Hayes, C Kanan
CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, 2020
Replay in Deep Learning: Current Approaches and Missing Biological Elements
TL Hayes, GP Krishnan, M Bazhenov, HT Siegelmann, TJ Sejnowski, ...
Neural Computation, 2021
Self-Supervised Training Enhances Online Continual Learning
J Gallardo, TL Hayes, C Kanan
BMVC, 2021
RODEO: Replay for Online Object Detection
M Acharya, TL Hayes, C Kanan
BMVC, 2020
Are Open Set Classification Methods Effective on Large-Scale Datasets?
R Roady, TL Hayes, R Kemker, A Gonzales, C Kanan
PLoS ONE, 2020
Online Continual Learning for Embedded Devices
TL Hayes, C Kanan
CoLLAs, 2022
New metrics and experimental paradigms for continual learning
TL Hayes, R Kemker, ND Cahill, C Kanan
CVPR Workshop on Real-World Challenges and New Benchmarks for Deep Learning …, 2018
Stream-51: Streaming Classification and Novelty Detection From Videos
R Roady, TL Hayes, H Vaidya, C Kanan
CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, 228-229, 2020
Selective Replay Enhances Learning in Online Continual Analogical Reasoning
TL Hayes, C Kanan
CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, 2021
Continual learning: Applications and the road forward
E Verwimp, S Ben-David, M Bethge, A Cossu, A Gepperth, TL Hayes, ...
TMLR, 2023
How Efficient Are Today's Continual Learning Algorithms?
MY Harun, J Gallardo, TL Hayes, C Kanan
CVPR Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, 2023
SIESTA: Efficient Online Continual Learning with Sleep
MY Harun, J Gallardo, TL Hayes, R Kemker, C Kanan
TMLR, 2023
Do we need fully connected output layers in convolutional networks?
Z Qian, TL Hayes, K Kafle, C Kanan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.13587, 2020
Efficiently computing piecewise flat embeddings for data clustering and image segmentation
RT Meinhold, TL Hayes, ND Cahill
2016 IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC), 1-4, 2016
Disentangling Transfer and Interference in Multi-Domain Learning
Y Zhang, TL Hayes, C Kanan
AAAI Workshop on Practical Deep Learning in the Wild, 2022
Continual causality: A retrospective of the inaugural aaai-23 bridge program
M Mundt, KW Cooper, DS Dhami, A Ribeiro, JS Smith, A Bellot, T Hayes
AAAI Bridge Program on Continual Causality, 1-10, 2023
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Articles 1–20