Stefan Tai
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What's inside the Cloud? An architectural map of the Cloud landscape
A Lenk, M Klems, J Nimis, S Tai, T Sandholm
2009 ICSE workshop on software engineering challenges of cloud computing, 23-31, 2009
The Next Step in Web Services
F Curbera, R Khalaf, N Mukhi, S Tai, S Weerawarana
Communications of the ACM 46 (10), 29-34, 2003
Cloud Computing: Web-Based Dynamic IT Services
C Baun, M Kunze, J Nimis, S Tai
Springer London, Limited, 2011
On or off the blockchain? Insights on off-chaining computation and data
J Eberhardt, S Tai
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: 6th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference …, 2017
Zokrates - Scalable Privacy-preserving Off-chain Computations
J Eberhardt, S Tai
2018 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, 1084-1091, 2018
Do clouds compute? a framework for estimating the value of cloud computing
M Klems, J Nimis, S Tai
Designing E-Business Systems. Markets, Services, and Networks: 7th Workshop …, 2009
Cloud federation
T Kurze, M Klems, D Bermbach, A Lenk, S Tai, M Kunze
Cloud Computing 2011, 32-38, 2011
Eventual consistency: How soon is eventual? An evaluation of Amazon S3's consistency behavior
D Bermbach, S Tai
MW4SOC '11 6th Workshop on Middleware for Service Oriented Computing, 2011
A domain-specific language for web apis and services mashups
EM Maximilien, H Wilkinson, N Desai, S Tai
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSOC 2007: Fifth International Conference …, 2007
Thema: Byzantine-fault-tolerant middleware for web-service applications
MG Merideth, A Iyengar, T Mikalsen, S Tai, I Rouvellou, P Narasimhan
24th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'05), 131-140, 2005
Transactional attitudes: Reliable composition of autonomous Web services
T Mikalsen, S Tai, I Rouvellou
Workshop on Dependable Middleware-based Systems, 2002
What are you paying for? performance benchmarking for infrastructure-as-a-service offerings
A Lenk, M Menzel, J Lipsky, S Tai, P Offermann
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 484-491, 2011
Metastorage: A federated cloud storage system to manage consistency-latency tradeoffs
D Bermbach, M Klems, S Tai, M Menzel
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 452-459, 2011
Composition of coordinated web services
S Tai, R Khalaf, T Mikalsen
Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IFIP/USENIX international conference on …, 2004
GlueQoS: Middleware to sweeten quality-of-service policy interactions
E Wohlstadter, S Tai, T Mikalsen, I Rouvellou, P Devanbu
Proceedings. 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, 189-199, 2004
A research perspective on fog computing
D Bermbach, F Pallas, DG Pérez, P Plebani, M Anderson, R Kat, S Tai
Service-Oriented Computing–ICSoC 2017 Workshops: ASOCA, ISyCC, WESOACS, and …, 2018
Cloud service benchmarking
D Bermbach, E Wittern, S Tai
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Trustless intermediation in blockchain-based decentralized service marketplaces
M Klems, J Eberhardt, S Tai, S Härtlein, S Buchholz, A Tidjani
Service-Oriented Computing: 15th International Conference, ICSOC 2017 …, 2017
From oracles to trustworthy data on-chaining systems
J Heiss, J Eberhardt, S Tai
2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 496-503, 2019
Strategies for integrating messaging and distributed object transactions
S Tai, I Rouvellou
IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open …, 2000
Il sistema al momento non può eseguire l'operazione. Riprova più tardi.
Articoli 1–20